giovedì 25 marzo 2010


hello guys, HOW ARE YOU ALL? I'm very very well So... this is a document where MJ responds directly to questions. That's his handwriting and.... WHAT IS THE NAME HE HAS WRITTEN (AND NO ONE ELSE) ON THAT PAPER??? OK... SHALL I HELP YOU?.... MICHAEL JOE JACKSON!



The movie was very nice, I had already prepared a handkerchief in my hands for tears, but the first thing I did was actually laughing because the first scenes of Michael with orange pants are really comical! He moves in a very improper manner, almost ridiculous! The imagines of him with orange pants, are flanked dividing the screen in half with him dressed in a gray suit and red shirt, where Michael is without sunglasses. There's a world of difference! So I would say that for all the parties where his eyes are visible it's him at 100% to me. Even when he's dancing penguin, I have the impression that it is not him, but probably I'm wrong. What I can say with certainty is that I didn't think to see Michael in the film, but he is there very often and he sang divine! His voice is amazing and he has taken to saying that he could not strive for simple reharsals! Incredible .... His movements are fluid, always precise, always recognize ... then I can say with absolute certainty that Michael's on THIS IS IT. My doubt, grew up during the movie, is that it's always Michael even when there are comic gestures: .. I don't know if it was done on purpose to make us believe that there are more doubles in the movie. I don't know if I can explain... a bit like the theory of the O2 guy at the London Arena! Perhaps it was him but on act! On this I can not help you unfortunately, because with the sunglasses it's hard recognize Michael. But without glasses, I assure you guys .. it's our Michael, and... what a wonderful show! Sure, for what we had imagined, the film is really consists in the reharsals that they had said, complete with costumes and special effects. Too many to tell the truth .. which is good for our movie theory. I thinked they spoke much more about him as human being .. and yes, they said that but I thought it was the main theme of the film, but it isn't. I have absolutely not noticed 33 clues. I did not notice the serious numbers of 7 1 3 9. Perhaps all stories invented. The film is the lineup of reharsals and that's all.. But at the end .. after a splendid EARTH SONG, which shows all the most beautiful scenery on Earth .. there is the speech made in a circle, which we have already seen in the trailer.... It seems that it is made for the dancers, but I assure you that he did for us! Michael takes the mic and says to be patient, not to be nervous, because THEY want something important, something that lead THEM to other levels. To take care of the planet because between 4 years will be too late. And it is then that I realized that all this talk, he could not have done before! Or rather, could not do it without knowing that "THIS IS IT" would be a movie. Then, about the word L.O.V.E. He said that in mid-film, and not after Man in the mirror, as we can see in the trailer. He doesn't say "It's all for LOVE". He says a sentence about love but not that. Then the trailer mounted, with him saying IT'S ALL FOR LOVE, L.O.V.E. must have been done later! Guys ... I don't know about you but I am even more sure that THIS IS IT is a movie. And I also believe that it won't be the only one. I have a strange feeling, but it is positive! In my opinion we have not seen anything yet! Keep the faith!


Michael Jackson’s final home, as of Thursday, is even stranger than his Thriller video, sitting atop 13 stories of secret catacombs housing Satanists and gypsies.Diane Dimond tours the tomb.
There are fewer places more beautiful than Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale, California. It’s a park-like 300 acres of rolling hills, massive trees, majestic marble statuary and soothing water features. Hubert Eaton, a devout Christian, took over an existing graveyard in the early 1900s, and designed it to mark a new and glorious beginning, rather than the end of something.Michael Jackson will lie in repose over no fewer than 13 subterranean floors, each holding intriguing secrets.
As one cemetery insider told me, ”It’s sort of the opposite of the stairway to heaven.”But this otherwise majestic place sits atop some dark secrets, ones that, as of this Thursday, Michael Joseph Jackson will rest upon as well. I was able to glimpse an advance peek at the King of Pop’s eternal throne, and the reality is stranger than his Thriller video, sitting atop more than a dozen floors of secret subterranean burial sections housing the remains of ancient devil worshippers and Gypsies, sacrificial fonts and crypts decorated with pentagrams and a secreted area with shelves housing at least a thousand abandoned urns containing the ashes of souls no one claimed. My recent behind-the-scenes tour of the cemetery was conducted by a man who had worked there for several years in a job that had him into the bowels of every single building, the entire breadth of the grounds, and he knew the place like the back of his hand.“There’s Spencer Tracy’s plot -- and over here Errol Flynn’s,” says my guide, pointing to the appropriate places. After rounding a corner of one elaborate building, he motioned toward an out-of-the-way flower bed, pulled back a low hanging palm frond and said, “Hardly anyone has ever seen this.” He pointed to a plaque which read: Walter Elias Disney. Engraved underneath: “Ashes scattered in paradise.” Resting below, at the foot of a Little Mermaid statue, was a small stuffed Mickey Mouse.
Inside the mammoth Freedom Mausoleum, my guide points to a low marble bench and then up to the wall where a side-by-side crypt held the remains of Gracie Allen (1902-1964) and George Burns (1896-1996). He explains that every Tuesday for decades, Burns would sit on that bench and visit with his departed soulmate. The simple legend on their crypt reads: “Together Again.” Nat King Cole’s crypt is above and to the right.Downstairs in this particular building, down into more marble walls holding the remains of members of the Three Stooges and the Marx Brothers, Alan Ladd, Dorothy Dandridge, Clara Bow and many others, my chest tightens. It was like breathing in a heavy dose of musty mold - a rotting suffocating smell that forces staffers to leave open opposing doors so the breeze can carry at least some of the smell away. This smell of death cropped up randomly, in various buildings, throughout our excursion.The talk of workers on the property today is of exactly where Michael Jackson will spend eternity after his final family memorial service, scheduled for Thursday at Forest Lawn’s Great Mausoleum, inside the elaborate Memorial Court of Honor. In that hall Jackson’s casket is scheduled to be staged under a stunning stained glass rendition of Leonardo da Vinci’s "Last Supper" masterpiece. It occupies one entire wall.This location likely would have met with Michael’s approval.
He once commissioned his own special Last Supper painting and for years it hung directly over his bed at Neverland Ranch. In Jackson’s version he occupies the center space where Jesus is usually seen and instead of the disciples there are some of Jackson’s heroes painted in, among them Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Charlie Chaplin, Elvis Presley and Little Richard.

After the hoopla surrounding Jackson’s death dies down, maybe in a year or more, cemetery workers speculate that Jackson will be permanently buried in the uber-expensive “Golden Key” section of Forest Lawn, which is outlined with a prohibitively tall brick wall. Only family members in possession of a special key can enter this rarified space where the likes of Mary Pickford, Sammy Davis Jr. and Humphrey Bogart are interred. It’s a vast and lavish area of the cemetery surrounded with glittering marble statues and elaborate sarcophaguses.But for now, sources tell me, Michael Jackson will be stored in a crypt almost directly underneath the Last Supper masterpiece.To get to that spot my guide showed me a wide marble staircase, roped off to keep the public out, but clearly visible as going down. The first sunken level is where it’s expected Jackson will be held. Standing at the top of these stairs is like standing on the top floor of an apartment building and being able to see all the levels of staircases. It has an eerie feeling to it and, according to multiple sources, this is the route to the secret underground catacombs.Michael Jackson will lie in repose over no fewer than 13 subterranean floors, each holding intriguing secrets, some could date as far back to the late 1800’s. As one cemetery insider told me, ”It’s sort of the opposite of the stairway to heaven.”When asked to confirm these areas a Forest Lawn spokesperson denied they exist.But my sources, including another ex-Forest Lawn maintenance man and a mutual acquaintance of both employees to whom they gave contemporaneous accounts over the years, give descriptions that are rich with detail. “There is a level where devil worshippers were once interred,” my guide tells me. “It’s complete with devil statues, pentagrams and an area where worshippers conducted weird services.”Continuing down there is another level said to be dedicated to some of Los Angeles’ original and very wealthy industrialists and their families. They rest down behind ancient hardcore steel gates off to each side of a long main corridor. These are the departed rich who wanted to spend eternity away from the prying eyes of common citizens. Families with names like Williamson and Wilkinson and Miller. According to my sources, the Miller family, of Miller beer, has ancestors interred in these underground spaces.
Another subterranean area, according to the guide, was set aside as the final spot for wealthy gypsy families, the figurines on their crypts otherworldly, and as recently as the 1960s, my sources say, their families would stage elaborate get-togethers to honor their dead relatives. Many doors remain padlocked deep within this labyrinth but when two workers opened one they discovered a room lined with shelves holding crematory urns for military men, police officers, nurses and city workers who were cremated gratis and held all these years because there were no families to claim them.Both men told me when their duties required them to be in these underground spaces they often felt the eerie presence of some of the forgotten occupants.“I’m not a supernatural, ghost-y kind of guy,” the guide told me as we continued our tour, “but more than once when I was down in those places I felt cold and clammy fingers brush against the back of my neck. I knew I was alone down there – but I wasn’t really alone, you know?” Sounds like a real life Thriller location -- and one whose history would likely delight Michael Jackson.

domenica 21 marzo 2010

Michael Jackson - Record's six vital pointers

HERE News of the World doctor Hilary Jones explains key parts of the ambulance report.

1) JACKSON is lying "supine" on the floor of his home in LA when the paramedics arrive. Dr Murray is conducting CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) on his patient. The paramedics intubate Jackson, reporting "good lung sounds". This is a simple check to make sure the tube has gone down the patient's windpipe and not into the stomach.
They record that an intravenous drip is already in place in the patient's left leg, put there by Murray.
It is unusual that it should be in his leg and not his arm. We can only speculate that Murray couldn't find a vein in his arm because of long-term drug abuse, or that he had been dead for some time and his veins had retreated into his body.
Capnography, or the build-up of carbon dioxide in the body, is recorded initially at 16 parts per unit, then 26 when he is transported. This shows he is not breathing and therefore not expelling the gasses and they are building up inside him.

2) JACKSON'S Vital Signs - blood pressure, pulse and respiration - are measured twice by the paramedics, at 1pm and eleven minutes later. The chart shows "zero" in each case, meaning he was technically dead.

3) THE record shows the results of an electrocardiogram measurement. He would have had electrodes placed on his chest, arms and legs to measure heartbeat.
Three doses of drugs are given intravenously: 1mg of epinephrine, an adrenalin-like drug used to try to stimulate the heart.
The result is "N" for negative. They then try atropine. This blocks the nerves, taking the body's brake off the heart to allow it to beat as much as it likes. Again, it is a negative result.
Finally they try sodium bicarbonate.
When there is no circulation, the blood becomes acidic as a by-product of the build-up of CO2. By introducing sodium bicarb you hope to return the blood to alkaline and help restart the heart.
It looks like they tried 50cc, about a cupful. Again the effect was recorded as negative. All these measurements have ASY next to them for asystole - no heartbeat. The treatments simply weren't working.

4) THE patient does not respond to two rounds of RX/TX (treatment) so the hospital advises stopping. But Murray assumes responsibility and asks for Jackson to be transferred to the ER. There is a third round of treatment en route. At this point, his blood CO2 level is 26 parts per unit so his body is continuing to build up CO2.

5) THE "time left scene" and "time at hospital" indicators show the journey to UCLA took just six minutes.

6) ANY time the body is moved or given a shock the electrocardiogram flutters. But we can clearly see from the charts that Jackson was flat-lining.

NEWS OF THE WORLD - 21/03/2010

WE reveal the dynamite documents prosecutors believe will put Michael Jackson's doctor behind bars.
They make up the official ambulance report that paramedics called to treat the stricken superstar filled out on the day he died.

The sensational evidence, published exclusively today by the News of the World, could be a hammer blow to the case of Dr Conrad Murray, charged with involuntary manslaughter over Jacko's death.
The bombshell Emergency Medical Service Report states:

Murray FAILED to inform paramedics that he had given the singer a dose of Propofol, the anaesthetic drug that coroners ruled killed the King Of Pop.
Jackson had already FLAT-LINED (no heart activity) by the time they arrived and after two rounds of heart revival drugs failed he was declared dead at the scene.
As senior medic there Murray nevertheless insisted Jacko be taken to hospital and DEMANDED a third round of drugs which also failed.
Insiders say the document also paves the way for Jackson's father Joe to launch a "wrongful death" lawsuit against Murray, who continues to practise in Houston, Texas.
A Jackson family friend told us last night: "This is the clearest suggestion yet that Murray misled the paramedics. Why didn't he tell them about the Propofol? We are sick at what this report indicates."
The report shows paramedics quizzed Murray about "meds" (medicines) after racing to a bedroom at Jackson's Hollywood Hills home at 12.27pm on June 25 last year.
Murray told them Jacko was exhausted after a sleepless night and he had given him only the sedative Lorazepam and fluids to rehydrate him.
This contradicts what Murray told police and the findings of the autopsy.
Detectives say the doctor also administered Valium, Midazolam, Flumanzenil and Propofol overnight. The coroner found Jackson's blood contained Lorazepam as well as other anxiety sedatives Lidocaine, Diazepam, Nordiazepam and Midazolam, plus Ephedrine which can be used for sleep disorders and Propofol. The medics left the Controlled Meds section of the form blank indicating that Murray, who was paid £100,000 a month by Jacko, had not informed them about the many substances he had pumped into him.
The explosive document also gives a detailed insight into the desperate battle ambulance staff put up to bring Jackson back to life. The medics rushed past the star's children Prince, 13, Paris, 11, and Blanket, seven, into a bedroom six minutes after bodyguard Alberto Alvarez called emergency services saying Jackson was not breathing. He had suffered a cardiac arrest.
The medics noted Murray performing CPR as Jacko lay on the floor with an intravenous (IV) drip in his left LEG. In the comments section, one wrote: "50-year-old found supine on floor, cpr in progress via PMD Murray, no visible new trauma, good lung sounds faltering, intubation, IV in place lft leg."
Their initial examination indicated Jackson was already dead.
In seconds they had hooked him to an oximeter which measures the oxygen level in blood. Normal readings range between 93 and 100 per cent. Jackson's was zero.
They noted in the Vitals section that at 12.29pm Jacko had no blood pressure, pulse or breath and his pupils were dilated. There was some "pulseless electric activity" meaning the heart muscle was still flickering even though the singer was dead.
After five minutes of CPR and discussions with Murray, medics attempted to restart Jacko's heart with a combination of heart stimulant epinephrine and a drug which keeps heart valves open called atropine. The drugs, 1mg of each, were given through the IV line Murray had put in the star's left leg.
The result of the injections are seen in the Initial Rhythm Chart part of the documents. It shows the fluids rocked the heart muscle but a few seconds later the shaking stopped.
The team also attached a bag valve mask (BVM) hooked up to a 7.5cm tube run down his throat into his lungs in a bid to kick-start his breathing, but it had no effect.
The report's Code Summary Figures show the bag briefly raised the carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in his body, from 20 to 26, but he was not breathing. Normal levels are 35 to 45.
The bag was discarded on the bed as we revealed last July when we published a photo of the death scene.
After four minutes the medics repeated the 1mg shots of epinephrine and atropine. The Rhythm Chart showed the heart muscle again shook but Jackson remained flat-lined.
American paramedics often adopt a "two rounds and you're out" approach meaning a patient is dead if he has not responded after a double dose of the powerful drugs.
In addition, most doctors view a carbon dioxide (C02) figure as low as 10 as the point beyond which there is no chance of recovery. Jacko's had now sunk to just six.


Last night Califiornia paramedic Kevin James told us: "The charts and readings indicate this is a dead man's heart. The fact his C02 levels were so low indicate Jackson had been down and out for a while, perhaps tens of minutes or even longer."
At 12.58pm the paramedics made a final desperate effort to bring Jacko back, firing 50mg of bicarbonate into the jugular vein in his neck. The injection neutralizes harmful acids after a cardiac arrest. After this got no reaction they contacted bosses at UCLA hospital with their results and were told to stop treatment.
But Murray interrupted the call, insisting Jackson could be saved, despite all the readings. Eight minutes after his last jab, Jackson was rushed on the three-mile journey to UCLA.
In the ambulance, Murray assumed control as the most senior medic. He ordered a THIRD round of the epinephrine/atropine combination and a second shot of bicarbonate.
But the charts confirmed Jackson remained flat-lined and all vital signs were out when he arrived at the hospital at 1.13pm. He was finally declared dead at 2.26pm.
It was a couple of hours later that the medics filed the bombshell emergency service report, attaching the graphics and charts of their efforts. It will be key evidence in both Murray's trial and any "wrongful death" lawsuit brought by Jackson's father.
Last night News of the World GP Dr Hilary Jones said: "If the report is correct, it is clear Jackson was dead before the paramedics arrived.
"He was flat-lining and there was no response to the resuscitation medicine. It's extraordinary that Dr Murray apparently didn't tell the paramedics exactly what drugs Jackson had been on hours earlier.
"It was his absolute duty to do so and the report suggests he failed.
"In my opinion Jackson died from respiratory depression - he was so deeply asleep he stopped breathing.
"And there was no justification for him using Propofol. It's just so bizarre that he should be using that to help him sleep.
"Dr Murray is nothing but a medically-qualified drug pusher."

Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT HOAX - c33stylisticz

Jermaine about Michael... 18 years ago.

Word to the Badd... Jermaine Jackson.

Michael Jackson Spotted Alive!!!

Michael Jackson - Resurrection of the Great One


NEW YORK, NY - At the stroke of 12 a.m. (midnight) EST on October 12th, a never-before released song from Michael Jackson - a single entitled "This Is It" - will be unveiled to the world on "This Is It," a brand new song, marks yet another exciting moment in music history for one of the world’s most revered artists; featuring backing vocals by Michael’s brothers The Jacksons, the song plays during the closing sequence of Sony Pictures' forthcoming film MICHAEL JACKSON'S THIS IS IT and is on the 2-disc CD set Michael Jackson's This Is It, which is the stand-alone companion to the motion picture. The single artwork - a new photo of Michael taken recently at his Staples Center rehearsals - will also be disclosed.Later this month, Sony Music Entertainment's Columbia/Epic Label Group will release the two-disc album Michael Jackson's This Is It internationally on October 26th and North America on October 27th to coincide with the worldwide release of the motion picture, which arrives in theaters on October 28th and runs for a limited two-week engagement. Disc one features the original album masters of some of Michael's biggest hits such as "Billie Jean," "Smooth Criminal," "Human Nature," and "Thriller" arranged in the same sequence as they appear in the film. The disc ends with two versions of "This Is It," the original and an orchestral version. "This Is It" is featured in the film's closing sequence and includes backing vocals by Michael's brothers, the Jacksons.Disc two offers fans a rare listen to the early demo versions of classics "She's Out Of My Life," "Wanna Be Startin'," "Somethin'," and "Beat It." This disc also features a recently discovered spoken word poem from Michael Jackson entitled "Planet Earth." Michael Jackson's This Is It also includes a 36-page, commemorative booklet featuring exclusive photos of Michael from his last rehearsal.THIS IS IT – COMPLETE TRACKLISTINGDisc 011.Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ 2.Jam 3.They Don’t Care About Us 4.Human Nature 5.Smooth Criminal 6.The Way You Make Me Feel 7.Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) 8.I Just Can’t Stop Loving You 9.Thriller 10.Beat It 11.Black Or White 12.Earth Song 13.Billie Jean 14.Man In The Mirror 15.This Is It 16.This Is It (Orchestra Version) Disc 021.She’s Out Of My Life (Demo) 2.Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ (Demo) 3.Beat It (Demo) 4.Planet Earth (Poem) The motion picture MICHAEL JACKSON’S THIS IS IT will offer Jackson fans and music lovers worldwide a rare, behind-the-scenes look at the performer as he developed, created and rehearsed for his sold-out concerts that would have taken place beginning this summer in London's O2 Arena. Chronicling the months from March through June, 2009, the film is drawn from more than one hundred hours of behind-the-scenes footage, featuring Jackson rehearsing a number of his songs for the show. Kenny Ortega, who was both Michael Jackson's creative partner and the director of the stage show, is also directing the film, which is being produced by Randy Phillips, Kenny Ortega and Paul Gongaware. Executive producers are John Branca and John McClain. The film will be distributed worldwide by Sony Pictures Releasing. For more information about the film please visit



Michael Jackson is alive and has sent a stunning message to his fans, “I will see you all next June on my world tour – I love you all!”Michael Jackson is alive and well, says close friend.That’s the word from longtime friend and confidante Cassandra Gretchen-Sims, a writer and producer who as late as last April was known by Hollywood and recording-industry insiders to be working hand-in-glove with the pop star on a secret movie script that, she says, “Michael envisioned as part fact, part fantasy – the story of the person he is and the person he wants to be, and it included the death hoax that is playing out in reality today.”Gretchen-Sims, 52, also reports that contrary to the belief of many, Jackson “is all man with completely normal and wholesome sexual desires and appetites.” This is a bombshell revelation that, she contends, “should dispel rumors about his psychological and emotional makeup.“Michael Jackson is not now nor has he ever been a pedophile or abuser of children. He is a wonderful and entirely masculine … a terrific father and a good human being.“I talk with him almost daily,” Gretchen-Sims, speaking from an apartment in Paris, France, continued, adding: “He has been silent about his comeback until now.“He is recuperating and healing from the damage to his health caused by his stardom.“He told me to ‘tell everyone, tell all my fans’ that the stories of his drug abuse and addiction ’sadly, are true. But I’m not dead. I getting stronger and drugs are behind me. I’ll never take another drug, not even an aspirin. Tell my fans I’m sorry for putting them through so much sadness and turmoil.“‘Tell them I had to do it. I had no choice. If I had continued and tried to do the London shows we had scheduled, I would have died for real. I thank God for helping me see the light. I will see you all next June on my world tour – the greatest tour the world has ever seen, bigger than Thriller, bigger than the Beatles and the Rolling Stones combined.’”Gretchen-Sims declined to say where Michael is located, but in a verbal slip noted that “Eastern Europe is the safest place …” suggesting that he is – as earlier reports suggested – hiding out in Romania, Hungary or possibly even Russia, where prying eyes and reporters would be hard pressed to find him.“I want everyone to know that I am the messenger for Michael, but I have nothing to gain financially from this because he paid me in advance for my work with him several years ago – that is behind us,” she told Your World Report exclusively.“Michael and I, also, are deeply involved as friends. I would never do anything to take advantage of what is a sacred trust between us.“He told me to make a statement, and he specifically told me to make the statement to Your World Report because ‘they are the only ones who have gotten the story right from the beginning. They care about me and they care about the truth.’“He is monitoring the Internet and he really enjoys all the messages from his fans. He said they ‘give me strength and fill me with love. Tell them that all the love they send to me I send right back. I love my fans!’”Gretchen-Sims says that even though she and Michael are talking “a lot and regularly,” she will not betray his confidence and discuss the subject of conversations or plans that he might have “unless and until he tells me to.”“That might be later today, that might be tomorrow, that might be a month from now. I’ll say more when Michael gives me the word. For now, just know that he is well and happy and getting stronger by the day.“And he will be back. That’s a guarantee.”



VERY IMPRESSIVE (click on pics to enlarge)


The pharaoh of pop: Egyptian bust a dead ringer for Michael

Talk about HIStory. Chicago is abuzz with the sudden discovery of an ancient Egyptian statue that looks uncannily like the late king of pop — or perhaps it should be pharaoh of pop — in the collection of one of the most respected natural history museums in the United States. Though it’s too soon to tell whether the bust will boost The Field Museum’s attendance, many visitors among the usual August throng this week want nothing more than to stand face-to-face with the New Kingdom doppelganger of superstar musician Michael Jackson, who died last month.In an interview Thursday, Jim Phillips, the museum’s curator of the Near East and North Africa, said, “It’s beyond belief. People see my badge, and they’re constantly asking me, ‘Where’s Michael Jackson’s face?’ ” Though the bust has been on display in a non-prominent area of The Field Museum’s Inside Ancient Egypt exhibit since 1988, the eerie resemblance between statue and icon was first made known to the wider public on Wednesday in a newspaper column by Michael Sneed of the Chicago Sun-Times. “The idea that people are coming in specifically to see if they can recognize Michael Jackson is a little disturbing to me, but … if that’s what gets people interested in Egypt, interested that in 1500 B.C. people were carving these lovely faces in limestone, that’s OK with me, too,” Phillips said. The curator said he’d never noticed the resemblance before, nor had anyone brought it to his attention. “I was never a follower of Michael Jackson, so no, I had never even thought about it.” As far as anyone knows, Jackson himself never visited The Field Museum and was not aware of the bust.The museum has had the statue in its collection since 1899. It depicts a woman — “There’s no question it’s a woman,” Phillips said, especially considering she’s wearing eye makeup — who lived in Egypt sometime between 1550 and 1050 B.C. Beyond that, she’s as anonymous as Jackson was famous. Before her nose was broken off by an anti-idolatry Christian or Muslim, however, it was a feature Jackson evidently would have coveted: a “ski-jump, European” shaped nose as opposed to an African one. An ancient Egyptian bust at The Field Museum in Chicago has been bewitching recent visitors thanks to its resemblance to a certain late pop star, NBC Chicago reports: The spitting image limestone sculpture has been on display at the museum since 1988, but recently started drawing attention because of its likeness to Jacko — complete with disfigured nose.Unfortunately the bust, which was carved sometime between 1550 B.C. and 1050 B.C., is of a woman and MJ likely never had the chance to see the statuette.

45. Birthday of MJ

please listen exactly to the words of Michael when he is talking at his 45. Birthday bash...He gave us some information of what he wanted to plan! LISTEN

I love this video... for me there is a very important thing in it:
he has the same attitude that has had at the 02 London Arena. I had never seen him so, many people have confirmed that he was always very humble ... but in this video, we may well see that when it's surrounded by people who love him, he is exalted! That move with his fist ... identical!

Jackson Autopsy

Posted Oct 1st 2009 12:55PM by TMZ Staff

UPDATE: 1:03 PM ET The Coroner also determined Jackson was actively producing sperm.More details on the Michael Jackson autopsy. According to a new report, Jackson had osteoarthritis which was visible on his lower spine and fingers.He had dark tattoos on his eyebrows and around his eyes and a dark tattoo on the front of his scalp -- possibly to cover the permanent scarring from burns suffered in Pepsi mishap.The report says he was balding and suffered a skin disease. We've previously reported Jackson suffered from vitiligo.His heart was strong but his lungs were inflamed. The report says Jackson's stomach had no obvious signs of pills, nor were illegal drugs or alcohol detected.The manner of death -- already reported to be a homicide -- was based in part on Propofol administered in a non-hospital setting.

Michael Jackson -- Healthy Drug Addict

Michael Jackson was reportedly in good health at the time of his death ... other than the fact that his body was riddled with injection sites and had arthritis and lung damage.It sounds preposterous, but a new report claims the autopsy findings conclude Jackson was a fairly healthy 50-year-old and none of his health issues were life-threatening.What doesn't make sense: Jackson was taking multiple powerful medicines -- sometimes in dangerous combination -- and the needle marks on his body underscore his addiction to anesthetics and other drugs. So how does that make him "fairly healthy?"According to the report, Jackson -- who was 5'9" -- weighed 136 pounds at the time of his death.Here's the underlying point -- the conclusion that Jackson was "fairly healthy" gives prosecutors ammo to prove Dr. Murray's dose of Propofol did Jackson in. But here's the problem -- when the jury hears about the injection sites and other drug and health problems, it could cast doubt on the Coroner's findings.

They say he has vitiligo and that he was NOT unhealthy. And that he produces sperm just fine..So all them haters and liars can stop with the MJ bleached his skin, MJ was unhealthy, MJ can't have kids of his own...



"Another big moment was the Motown 25 performance…Michael: I was at the studio editing Beat It, and for some reason I happened to be at Motown Studios doing it––I had long left the company. So they were getting ready to do something with the Motown anniversary, and Berry Gordy came by and asked me did I want to do the show, and I told him ‘NO.’ I told him no. I said no because the Thriller thing, I was building and creating something I was planning to do, and he said, ‘But it’s the anniversary...’ So this is what I said to him. I said, ‘I will do it, but the only way I’ll do it is if you let me do one song that’s not a Motown song.’ He said, ‘What is it?’ I said, ‘Billie Jean’. He said, ‘OK, fine.’ I said, ‘You’ll really let me do “Billie Jean?” He said, ‘Yeah.
’So I rehearsed and choreographed and dressed my brothers, and picked the songs, and picked the medley. And not only that, you have to work out all the camera angles.I direct and edit everything I do. Every shot you see is my shot. Let me tell you why I have to do it that way. I have five, no, six cameras. When you’re performing––and I don’t care what kind of performance you are giving––if you don’t capture it properly, the people will never see it. It’s the most selfish medium in the world. You’re filming WHAT you want people to see, WHEN you want them to see it, HOW you want them to see it, what JUXTAPOSITION you want them to see. You’re creating the totality of the whole feeling of what’s being presented, in your angle and your shots. ‘Cause I know what I want to see. I know what I want to go to the audience. I know what I want to come back. I know the emotion that I felt when I performed it, and I try to recapture that same emotion when I cut and edit and direct."


I thought to made this topic to put together all the strange photos about this case..
Let's start with Liberian Girl..





Dominant color YELLOW

Maybe someone can tell me why it seems that Jermaine laughs and carries the coffin of his brother with his hand in his pocket...THANKS!!!!






Here's something about the meaning of colors, in a more realistic/logical way:
Color RED:
Life, vitality, power, determination, and brings luck and attention.

Joy, learning, performance. Stimulates the ability to think.

Joke Calms China - (Anagram of Michael Jackson)

For those who don't know - Joke Calms China (Anagram of Michael Jackson) was a mysterious poster from MJHD ( ) He left us with riddles and other strange messages, but of course many people (myself included) disregarded all of these; until they began to make sense. This is the post in which you can view all of the JCC riddles, and maybe work them out for yourself! Most have already been cracked, ( see MJkit ) but more riddles may arise now that JCC has joined MJkit.


am a very close London based friend of MJ.
I am not prepared to say too much but a few people on this site are very close to the truth with what they are speculating.

Everything will become clear soon, trust MJ.
I cannot reveal too much at this present time but I can tell you, MJ is happy now.
I will still be here on 1st August 2009
I must go now.
Colour of flowers
German banquetting hall August 1st 2009
Colour of flowers
Oodless of press

Really this is all I can say, I have said too much already.
From this you can work it out, you just have to research and put together a few other things on this.
Please understand the sensitive nature of this issue.
People could go to prison can you see my reason for being so secretive.
Germany is the key.
I shall not be able to post very often as I will be travelling out of the country.
Keep faith
The sweetest river in Germania
Hello everybody, I have now landed at my set destination.
Things are progressing well and everything is according to plan.
shhh! The worthier, over-fed patient
Trust MJ
Sunshine boat games
I am being silenced and maybe its for the best.
The heat is on and the circle is closing tighter.
May the sun set on the darkest grass.
Trust MJ
\|\|\|\|\|\|\| \\\|\|\|\\\\\|\|\|\|\\\\\|\|\|
hundred cremators
the sun that shines on everyone
princess grace
mourn small flowers
Dominate insociable thieving.
Overjoyed helping crudities
Alert steel thickhead
7 star and palm trees (something like that)
JCC Posidonius Jackson high in the sky ( Posidonius or Poseidonios was an greek philisopher who first created the word "Germania" (for Celts) in a book which gave the base for "Tacitus Germania". )
L.A is my Lady

JCC also said something about it being a 'wild ride' and to 'hold on tight'

Michael Jackson's " 2000 Watts "


I want to share this video with you, guys..
we can't forget! share it with your friends!!


Why does Monday, come before Tuesday
Why do summers start in June
Why do winters come too soon
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breaking up, oh why
Why do we love if love will die

Why does Wednesday come after Tuesday
Why do flowers come in May
Why springtime go away
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breaking up, oh why
Why do I love you tell me why

It's not like I can explain what's in my heart
It's just I feel a crazy pain when we're apart
I don't wanna breathe,
I don't wannna think
I don't wanna learn
I don't wanna do anything

It's not like I can describe what's going on
It's just I feel I'm not alive
When you're not home
I just wanna sleep,
I don't wanna be
I just want you here beside me
Without you there's no me

Why does Monday come before Tuesday
Why do summers start in June
Why do winters come too soon
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breaking up, oh why
Why do we love if love will die

Why does Wednesday come after Tuesday
Why do flowers come in May
Why does springtime go away
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breaking up, oh why
Why do I love you tell me why

It's not like I can escape, what's in my soul
Cause without you inside my heart
Where can I go
I don't wanna see, girl you without me
I can't go through life without you
Without you there's no me

Why does Monday come before Tuesday
Why do summers start in June
Why do winters come too soon
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breaking up, oh why
Why do we love if love will die

Why do the rivers flow to the sea
In every flow I get your love over me,babe
Why does my heart miss your kiss
To be in love, to fall in love
Why don't I feel complete

Why does Monday come before Tuesday
Why do summers start in June
Why do winters come too soon
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breaking up, oh why
Why do we love if love will die

Why does Wednesday come after Tuesday
Why do flowers come in May
Why does springtime go away
Why do people fall in love
When they're always breaking up, oh why
Why do I love you tell me why

Tell me why Tell me why Tell me why

sabato 20 marzo 2010

Michael Jackson - This Is It End Credits *Especial End*

David Letterman: You don't have to be dead

Here's his last autograph


Authorities taking their time in Michael Jackson case

By Plain Dealer guest writer September 21, 2009

LOS ANGELES (AP) — It's been almost three months since Michael Jackson's shocking death, and while Los Angeles police are close to wrapping up their investigation, the decision on whether to bring criminal charges is at least weeks and perhaps months away, legal experts say.
Last month the Los Angeles County coroner ruled Jackson's June 25 death a homicide caused primarily by the powerful anesthetic propofol in combination with the sedative lorazepam. Both were administered in Jackson's mansion by his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray.
Murray is the target of what police term a manslaughter investigation but the probe is far broader, encompassing a half-dozen doctors who treated Jackson over the years. Police and federal Drug Enforcement Administration agents are trying to reconstruct Jackson's extensive drug history, a task made more difficult because the pop star used pseudonyms to obtain medications.
Tracking down where Jackson got drugs, who provided them, how much his prior drug use contributed to his death and lining up experts to distill complex medical information into layman's terms for a jury is time-consuming.
"There's no reason for anyone to jump the gun on this," said Greg D. Lee, a retired supervising DEA agent. "Time is on their side. There's no imminent danger to the public from Dr. Murray."
The decision on criminal charges will come from the Los Angeles County district attorney's office. Spokeswoman Sandi Gibbons said a request for charges comes after a police investigation is completed and prosecutors examine the evidence themselves. "We haven't been presented with anything," she said.
Except for a brief video posted to YouTube, Murray has not spoken publicly since Jackson's death. In the video, he said: "I told the truth and I have faith the truth will prevail."
Murray's attorney, Edward Chernoff, did not return a message seeking comment but previously has said nothing Murray gave Jackson "should have" killed him.
Murray has been interviewed twice by police. According to court records, he told investigators that over about six hours he injected Jackson with two doses each of lorazepam and midazolam. Finally, around 10:40 a.m. on June 25, Murray said he succumbed to Jackson's demands and administered propofol, a drug Murray said he had given Jackson every night for six weeks to allow him to sleep.
Propofol commonly is used to render patients unconscious for surgery. It's only supposed to be administered by anesthesia professionals in medical settings and, because of its potency, requires the patient be closely monitored at all times. Using propofol strictly as a sleep agent violates medical guidelines.
The coroner's finding of homicide, or death at the hands of another, does not automatically mean a crime was committed. To bring a manslaughter charge, prosecutors must show there was a reckless action that created a risk of death or great bodily injury. If a doctor is aware of the risk, there might also be an issue of whether the patient knows that risk and decided to take it.
Dr. Jayson Hymes, an anesthesiologist and specialist in pain medication and addiction, said authorities are confronted with a central question: "It's not illegal to be a bad doctor but when does it go from bad medicine to so unbelievably stupid it's criminal negligence?"
He said investigators may be questioning Murray's claim that he was trying to "wean" Jackson off the powerful anesthetic by giving him decreasing doses.
"It makes no sense," said Hymes. "You don't wean people off propofol. People don't go around craving propofol. What he needed to be weaned off of were all the other drugs."
As for Jackson's demand for propofol, he said, "He didn't understand that anesthesia is not sleep. If he wanted restorative sleep, he was going in the wrong direction."
Los Angeles attorney Harland Braun, a celebrity defense attorney who also has represented doctors in court, suggested prosecutors may take the case to a grand jury and let it investigate the evidence and recommend action.
Loyola University Law School professor Laurie Levenson said history hangs over prosecutors as they build the case. The district attorney's office is shadowed by memories of the O.J. Simpson and Robert Blake murder acquittals and the Phil Spector case that took two trials to win a second-degree murder conviction.
Prosecutors will want to make sure they have a very strong case before proceeding.
"There's no question that a bad thing happened," she said of Jackson's death. "But you need to prove to 12 jurors beyond a reasonable doubt that it is manslaughter. That's a very high threshold."
Vesna Maras, a former Los Angeles deputy district attorney who spent 12 years trying medical and pharmacological cases for the office, noted it is not illegal to simply administer propofol.
"If he didn't research the drug that would be conscious disregard of the risk to human life, which is second-degree murder," she said. "If he did research it, was aware of the risks and didn't exercise due caution and circumspection before administering it, that is involuntary manslaughter."
Criminal defense attorney Steve Cron cited the fact other agencies including the DEA have simultaneous probes involving other doctors who prescribed medications to Jackson and pharmacies that filled the prescriptions. If all investigations must be completed before charges are filed, it could take considerable time.
In the Anna Nicole Smith drug case, it took authorities 2½ years to bring charges against her doctors and boyfriend. And the counts were less serious — supplying drugs to an addict.
Lee noted once charges are filed, "the clock starts ticking" on statutory time limits for prosecution. So, "what's the rush?" he said. "I don't see any urgency on the part of the government."


This evening I saw for the first time, the short film Ghosts..
There are many things that made me think:
first one, few sentences, where he says, about the film he was shooting, which reminds me of the THIS IS IT trailer... like "A FILM THAT PEOPLE HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE" (same voice, same accent).
Second one, there is a spot on the clip, that intrigued me a lot:

NOW, THE BEST PART: I did a search for this and.... here it is:

"NEW YORK -- Michael Jackson turns into a ghost. And devoted fans worship their favorite rock stars from beyond the grave. Halloween is when the rest of the globe catches up to the music world. A truly creepy way to celebrate Halloween, "Michael Jackson: The Making of Ghosts" features NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN FOOTAGE from behind the scenes of the King of Pop's 1997 singing-dancing-horror short film "Ghosts." The half-hour VH1 special premieres on Saturday, October 26 at 12:00 a.m. (ET/PT), followed immediately by the short film at 12:30 a.m.
On Halloween Day, Thursday, October 31, VH1 opens up "Michael Jackson's Halloween Crypt" with a full lineup of ghoulish ..."

I wonder... is just a coincidence that THIS IS IT comes out for Halloween? With a FUNERAL took place "close the midnight"?? I don't think so!

part I

part II

part III

and FINALLY...finally ... He used a disguise that remind me of someone else....


Michael Jackson's Ghost film sub it

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

A look inside Michael's mansion .. it's absolutely beautiful!

Michael is still alive! videos from spungoo

Part 1 "The Music"

Part 2 "The Movie Theory"

Extra part.

Part 3 "The Funeral"

"Vienna Concert's not gonna happen"

Part 4 "The People"

Part 5 - V.M.A.

the Human Nature rehearsal - a beautiful thing

sept 11, 2009

I love the movie theory! My mind has come to this conclusion: at night I remember that opened my eyes and said aloud: "And if it were a movie?" A KIND OF NIGHTMARE TO OPEN EYES !!??! This is our thriller!
Then I put on the internet and I have searched for us... I think it's really so, because a genius like him can not die junkie! I never thought ... he is too smart! Then Michael, hurry up we all are waiting for you
I would suggest not to disclose too much information that we have discovered, because he might think that the surprise did not succeed and delay his return: and I'll go to the hospital for ulcer!
It's better to wait and not disclose. However people don't believe it, he takes us for fools. I am convinced that he is following developments in this story on the internet and he has already read us. Maybe he's also helped us behind false names. Who knows...

Michael Jackson - Beat It - Dangerous Tour Rehearsal

very simple rehearsal... isn't it?

UNSEEN Michael Jackson Interview about DRUGS

Michael Jackson audio "Help me!" Sub ita

venerdì 19 marzo 2010

The Dangerous Court Case Deposition 1994

Poor guy! I miss his voice :( misunderstood genius... He spent half his life in court!!!







So, to kill time, until we have some GOOD NEWS, I offer you this comparison:

in the first video is THE LONDON "GUY" at press conference.

in the second one, our Michael James Brown's funeral.

Very good examples to compare their voices. I beg you, close your eyes when the video go on.

it's always Michael to me

Listen also when he says "performances" in London and "performances and performers" at the funeral. I am Italian and already I do not understand all .. but I wonder.. could it be just the mouth closer to the microphone and then the loudest voice? It's true that guy is not like him at all, in the photos, he has that chin so weird .. but his hands and teeth .. I do not know, I would not like that Michael had just MADE UP to lead us in these doubts. What do you say? He could also be capable! For me that's his hand: I studied hundreds of photographs and even teeth are his .. I admit that the voice seems to have a stamp set stronger and even more the arrogant attitude does not belong him. But.. This could also be a test for us, to distinguish the truth from lies?

I also noticed that he walked like a gangster .. and the same at the end of the press conference, when greeted with a fist .. too vain to be him. But it is true that we don't "see" him in public for a long time, right? Maybe it's a part of the game, I hope it.

Wrote on set 12, 2009

ENTERTAINMENT DAILY - Michael Jackson wanted to star in ‘Phantom Of The Opera’ movie

WASHINGTON - Theatre impresario Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber has revealed that Michael Jackson wanted to star in the movie version of the hit musical ‘Phantom Of The Opera’.After watching the show, which debuted in 1988, numerous times the King of Pop discussed seriously with Lloyd about starring as ‘The Phantom’ in a big screen adaptation of the hit musical.But Lloyd Webber could not make it happen for Jackson back then, as he wasn’t ready to turn it into a film.However, when the helmer did make the movie in 2004, he cast Gerard Butler.“The story got to him. I think he had a connection with the lonely, tortured musician. He found the idea of somebody working through music and having a girl as a muse very intriguing - and he loved that there was illusion in the show,” Contactmusic quoted Webber as saying.“Michael became interested in playing The Phantom himself, in a movie version of the show. We talked about it a lot, but we’d only just opened and, at the time, I felt that it was too early for it to become a film. I felt his interest in Phantom was because he was interested in doing something theatrical himself,” Webber added. (ANI) - June 29th, 2009

NOW I WONDER.... "7:20 p.m. PT, the Jackson Family has still to exit their home in Encino to ride in a fleet of Rolls Royce Phantom limousines to attend MJ’s funeral. Encino is about a 20 minute trip from Forest Lawn Cemetery, Glendale. The planned “Sunset Service” at 7 p.m. PT, is no longer – sunset is over and seven o’clock has gone, too."ROLLS ROYCE PHANTOM???? IS IT A SIMPLE COINCIDENCE OR.... what do you say????

Janet Jackson Talks Michael’s Death - set 9. 2009

Wednesday, September 09, 2009 - Harper’s Bazaar magazine:

"Janet Jackson Takes Control: Her First Interview Since Michael Jackson's DeathThe iconic pop star and loyal sister emerges stronger than ever, ready to embrace her new reality and share memories of her brother. Click here for more pictures from Janet Jackson's cover shoot".By Laura Brown Janet Jackson hasn't watched television since her brother Michael died suddenly in Los Angeles on June 25. She has blocked herself off completely from the hysterical media coverage of his death — who did it, what did it. "It will drive you crazy," she says. "People can have rhinoceros skin, but there's a point when something's going to hurt you. Not everyone is stone, stone. I haven't watched the news in weeks. I had to ask my chef, How's Obama doing? I haven't read a newspaper. On top of that, [we've lost] a family member."The last time Janet saw Michael was on May 14, two days before her 43rd birthday. It was a family celebration, the Jackson kids were running around, and she and her big brother hung out, ate Thai food, and tormented each other. "We had so much fun that day," she says, her soft voice almost inaudible. "We kept calling each other after and saying how great it was."Janet left soon after to start work on Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married Too. She was on set in Atlanta when she got the call that Michael had died. She immediately returned to L.A., plunging headlong into a private family grief served up to a ravenous public. Of course, one of the most moving images from the memorial service was of Michael's daughter, Paris, who stepped up to the microphone and said, "Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine" before grabbing her aunt Janet for support. "I was really proud," Janet recalls. "People said to me that Michael's daughter speaking really gave them a sense of how he was as a father, in her words. Paris is incredibly smart; they are all so smart. She's a sweet girl. The kids are doing well. They're with all their cousins; that family love will keep them going."After the service, Janet and sisters La Toya and Rebbie went to speak to the fans. Janet, who said a brief and quiet thank-you, was greeted with thunderous applause. "I don't remember that at all," she says. "I really didn't want to say anything. I left that night to go back to Atlanta to film."Work has always been a tonic for Janet. Today she is sitting in a bunkerlike recording studio in Hollywood, writing songs for a new album, due out next spring. Nickelodeon is on the TV (perhaps the only network not doing Michael 24/7), incense is burning, and she is trying to discourage her French bulldog, Bullwinkle, a birthday gift from brother Jermaine, from nibbling at her towering Azzedine Alaïa lizard sandals."I've been doing okay," she says. "Work helps focus all of that energy on something that is of value to you." She's just back from vacation, a princely three days on a beach. "It was the first time I had to myself since Michael passed, the first time I could get away since all of that."Janet doesn't like talking much, so it's not hard to understand why people applaud when she opens her mouth. While she is the baby of the Jackson family, she is, in many ways, its nexus. "I have no clue why," she says, "but maybe sometimes when there's someone you don't hear from, it's the person you want to hear from the most."She's learned a lot in these past weeks. "I always wanted to have my mother's [Katherine Jackson] strength, but I didn't know if it was really there. But a few years back, something happened and I learned that I did." She fixes you with a keen gaze. "I'm not going to mention it, but we all know what it is. And now, coming off all this, it's even beyond that. I was just focused on my job at that moment within my family." She pauses. "Now at least I know that I can step up to the plate and not crumble when I'm needed. When it comes to something like this that is so, so serious, so painful, so traumatic, I can handle it."Janet has been handling it in public for more than two decades. Rhythm Nation 1814, her groundbreaking album, was released 20 years ago this fall. She has sold more than 100 million albums worldwide and had 41 Billboard number-one singles. Her out-of-this-world tours, indelible dance style, and bold, provocative, but always human presence is equaled by only that of her late brother. In 1995's futuristic "Scream" video, for which she collaborated with Michael, there is a telling scene where the space-age siblings are elbowing each other for the remote control. "Yeah," she says, smiling. "We had so much fun back then. We would organize our days together and go out for vegetarian lunch at the Golden Temple in L.A. We were so busy, but we'd make time."While the $7 million video was the apex of art direction, Janet arrived at her look another way. "I've always been a tomboy," she says. "I've always liked to wear red, black, and white, and mostly pants." Her brother, of course, shared a love for the same palette. She lights up when she talks about Michael's style. "My brother is, I mean was..." She shifts on the couch and stares at the floor. "You have to forgive me, because it's really hard to believe he's passed. He'd have the same red shirt, the same black pants, the same white T-shirt. Mike was very simple. When I was 14 years old, I would shop for him. [Michael was then 21 and a megastar.] I washed his clothes, cleaned his room. When Mother would go out of town, she'd say, 'I'm leaving you in charge. Take care of Mike.' I would head home from school, see what he needed, then go straight to the stores." She giggles a little and says, "You know something else? He loved to wear his shoes all the way down. His penny loafers would have huge holes in the bottom."One thing Michael did prize, of course, was his single white glove. "That was actually my brother Jackie's idea at home one day," Janet explains. "He just said, 'You should wear one glove. A white glove.' And then Mike studded it all. That was it." Did he wear the glove to Jackson family dinners? She laughs. "Nooo." And yes, Janet has moonwalked. "Uh-huh. No, no one does it like he does, though. Everybody else tried, but it was no good."On stage, she adds, "if it was shiny, if it had any kind of bling, he loved it. It was that drummer-boy look. Do you remember that black jacket he wore for Motown's 25th anniversary? That's our mother's! He grabbed that from her closet! He loved anything that sparkled." Michael's love of all that glittered continued until his death. That last day Janet saw Michael, "he had a Balmain jacket on. He had a few of them — all black, jeweled, studded, with rhinestones." While the public obsesses over what will happen to Michael's estate, including his famous jackets, Janet is not interested in wearing them herself. "No," she says emphatically. "They should go to the children, if anything."Janet made a poignant point about family and celebrity at June's BET Awards. ("To you, Michael is an icon. To us, Michael is family.") "You know, people see this of you," she says, gesturing to the television. "They have a fantasy in their mind, and to really get to know the true person, it's different. Michael was a big brother. He was always very protective of me." Even though they were stars since childhood, the two didn't speak about how brutal the spotlight could be. "It's part of the job, and we understood that. We never discussed it."There are other things Janet would like the world to know about Michael. "He loved to laugh. The last time we were together, he'd laugh so hard, he would just start crying. Sometimes his humor would be corny, sometimes dry. He loved the Three Stooges, he loved slapstick, he loved Eddie Murphy in his silly comedies. He loved to have fun. He loved to play." If Janet had one more day with her brother (whose nickname for her, incidentally, was Dunk), she would "relive that moment we had when we were kids, do our little run: We'd wake up, feed the animals, spend the entire day together."She smiles at the memory, and Janet's smile is magnificent. "People have actually said that I should get it insured, but I never liked my smile until about six or seven years ago. I thought it was too wide, that it looked like the Joker! So sometimes I wouldn't smile too wide and would just kind of grin."Even though Janet has her trademarks — that smile being one of them — her style is evolving. Currently on the curvier side, she is exploring her love for the 1940s: "I love shoulder pads, a nipped waist." Today she's in harem pants by Ellie Mae Byars of Mizzae, a denim jacket, and armfuls of black bracelets by Claudia Tate. "Since I was 16, I used to shop at Maxfield in L.A. I loved Thierry Mugler, Gaultier..." Now Janet is a fan of Roland Mouret and Alexander McQueen, and she sheepishly admits she just had a room built for her shoes: "Louboutin, YSL, Alaïa, and Giuseppe Zanotti."For all her quietness, Janet is acutely aware of image and the power she has, especially with young women. She is completing a book called True You, about diet and self-esteem. "It was originally about weight loss," she says. Famously up and down in weight, Janet shed 60 pounds in four months in 2006. She has been in turn envied and criticized for her figure, which has varied from girlish in Herb Ritts's 1990 "Love Will Never Do (Without You)" video to muscly (2004's infamous Super Bowl "wardrobe malfunction") to bigger when she takes time out. "But I wanted it to be more about my triggers. I can be an emotional eater." Her voice lowers. "Of late, I have been doing that, yes. It started when I was very little. My brothers were gone on tour a lot, and I would miss them so much. Certain things in my life would become triggers. I wish I'd had a book like this when I was that young. People forget that everyone has things going on." And with the album, tour, book, and film coming up next year, Janet has a lot going on. "It's still important to face reality, and not that I'm running, but sometimes you just need to get away for a second." Janet is also now single, recently breaking off her seven-year relationship with music producer Jermaine Dupri. Does she still believe in marriage? "For [some] people, sure! I don't know if I'll get married again. [She's been married twice, as a teen to James DeBarge and to choreographer René Elizondo.] I'll put it like this: If God wants me to, then I will." Dating? "Yeah, I've had people ask me out. I haven't entertained any offers thus far, but I'm locking myself in my work right now." Some might say boys smell anyway. "Yeah, they stink," she chuckles, "and they're dirty."Janet is similarly fatalistic on the topic of children: "Sure, I'd adopt. And I think that if I'm really supposed to have kids, it will happen, if that's God's plan for me." She wouldn't encourage her kids to go into entertainment "unless it was something they really wanted to do. If they knew what they were up against."If Michael is the King of Pop, Janet is its princess. "I would hope my legacy would be bringing smiles to faces," she says. "Happiness with my music. Also, to make babies. I've had so many people come up to me and say, 'My child was conceived by listening to your music.'" She has more difficulty articulating Michael's. "It's so beyond. I can't even begin. It's on so many different levels. Bringing light and love and happiness. He's just got so much love, and so much heart, and so much power through his music. Children and his love for children. People have told me, 'I am an American citizen because of your brother.' He wrote them a letter or something. He was just that giving, loving person. And the greatest entertainer there ever was. And is. I hope people get a glimpse of him now, some sort of picture."Now Janet sits atop an empire and a family mythology much of her own making and under her control, an iconic performer mourning her brother and planning what's next. "You know, I never look back on what I've done unless I'm asked," she says, "but I remember Mike saying, 'You need to stop and enjoy it. Think about everything you've done, all that you've accomplished.' "But there's so much more I want to do," she adds. And the smile breaks out again. "

MY BROTHER IS????????????????????????????????? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA