venerdì 18 giugno 2010


Please, do note that the Michael's dermatologist joined twitter on June 18, 2009: it's very strange, isn't it? This seems to be his true account, as there are references to his profession and private matters. Maybe I'm wrong, but my instinct tells me that it's really him, especially because the date of registration! ... respect that I leave you a freely interpretation.This is his twitter: See as there are 2 messages about Farraw Fawcett on June, 25 2009 and NO ONE about Michael!!! You can notice Arnold's friendship with Elizabeth Taylor and many kind message to Michael, after his "death".... So... WHY ON EARTH HE'S THROWING MUD ON MICHAEL???? Read please! HERE THERE ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT:

1. Research, research, research. 2:05 AM Jun 18th, 2009 (the first)

2. Spoke with Frank Gehry about rebuilding the beach house and hoping my darling Elizabeth is enjoying her Matisse. 2:40 AM Jun 18th, 2009

4. Was sent a link to TMZ. Ridiculous. The paparazzi needs to stay away from my patients. Period. 10:01 PM Jun 18th, 2009

6. Still wondering how the FDA can ignore the presence of altered data in a leading medical journal. People have died. 10:07 PM Jun 18th, 2009

7. Had a wonderful evening with Dame Elizabeth. Amazing how much one person can do for AIDS research in Africa. Thank you, Elizabeth. 7:17 PM Jun 19th, 2009

8. My Darling Dame Elizabeth, you are the most beautiful voice of our generation no one is more deserving of a matisse. You are my only hero! 1:56 AM Jun 23rd, 2009

13. @dameelizabeth With your violet eyes how much I love you, your smile lights up the room and you shimmer like the most brilliant diamond 2:45 AM Jun 25th, 2009

14. Today, the world is a little less beautiful. We say goodbye to the lovely Farrah Fawcett. 7:15 PM Jun 25th, 2009

15. It was an honor to have known Farrah Fawcett a vision and a visionary, a true Angel who will be missed around the world. 3 kisses my darling 7:45 PM Jun 25th, 2009

16. I am deeply saddened by the death of my dear friend Michael Jackson. He truly was a gifted soul who had boundless love for all.6:26 PM Jun 29th, 2009

17. To the Media - Let Michael rest in peace and let his family and friends grieve in peace. If for no other reason, do it for his children. 6:36 PM Jun 29th, 2009

18. For those that are asking WHY? The answer is quite simple: LOVE and COMMITMENT. Arnie 2:14 AM Aug 5th, 2009

19. @KevinSpacey Just saw the Charlie's Angel Girl and we reminisced about Michael and the last time she saw him. She said to follow you. Arnie 2:53 AM Aug 6th, 2009

20. @gigidu84 I think of him all the time as well. Big love, Arnie 12:25 AM Aug 19th, 2009



23. RT Jason was a very good friend of Michael's @JPSnaggs I havnt said alot.... but Happy Birthday to my friend. 8:57 PM Aug 30th, 2009

24. I'm holding a lecture on Michael Jackson called "Heal the Skin" in Phoenix AZ at the Desert Ridge Hotel on Oct 3rd at 6 6:25 AM Oct 1st, 2009

25. I have seen "This Is It" It took my breath away... My friend, you will be missed 12:38 AM Oct 28th, 2009

26. I am sorry for the misunderstanding on "This is it" I did see a screening I thought it was brilliant. I became emotional and had to leave. 1:06 AM Nov 8th, 2009

27. I went on TMZ to clarify the situation surrounding the death of Michael. I've rec'd overwhelming positive responses. I send you all my love. 1:12 AM Nov 8th, 2009 via web

28. @lazyliza I last saw Michael on the Monday before he passed. Big love, Arnie 9:28 PM Nov 10th, 2009 via web

29. One year ago tonight I spent Christmas Eve at Michael's house. I took @CarrieFFisher ; the kids were so happy. My favorite Christmas memory 5:04 AM Dec 25th, 2009 via web

30.rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated 9:31 PM Jan 24th 2010

31. @LaSouri As long as one goes to a dermatologist who is trained in injecting the product; there should be no problem with safety. 9:15 PM Feb 4th 2010

32. I am appalled at what is happening at the Jackson household. This is why I went to court - Michael made me promise to look after the kids. 2:36 AM Mar 3rd 2010

33. I have decided to put up my 2004 SSR for sale. It was Michael Jackson's favorite car of mine. 8:45 PM Mar 31st 2010

34. As Michael Jackson's physician for 25 years i can assure the world he could never self-inject. He was needle phobic. 8:08 PM Apr 6th 2010

35. @DameElizabeth Dearest Elizabeth Michael CHOSE whom he loved; I only SUPPLIED medical care. May God bless you and Michael. Your friend Arnie

mercoledì 16 giugno 2010

The Weird List

In no particular order:

1. The 911 call didn’t sound overly panicked and Michael Jackson was not mentioned by name. (It’s possible he didn’t mention the name because 911 might think it was a hoax and not respond.)

2. Some have stated the oldest son discovered the father, but later the Dr. claimed that the reason it took so long to call 911 is that he couldn’t find anyone to make the call. (wouldn’t the son be able to make the call, he is 12 after all.) It took 30 minutes to call 911. Hasn’t Dr. Murray ever heard of a cell phone? (this point gets addressed farther down this list.)

3. Dr. Conrad Murray, who is supposed to be a cardiologist was doing CPR on the bed. (It’s supposed to be done on a flat hard surface…floor. Murray claimed that it was done on the bed cause MJ was frail, but several people have contradicted the report of MJ being “frail.”)

4. TMZ, a tabloid media source was the FIRST to report MJ had died. They reported it before the coroner and before Jermaine Jackson made his public statement. (While we’re on the topic, isn’t that weird too? Is it normal for a family member to make a public statement instead of the doctor in charge?)

5. Though he was taken to the hospital and they tried to revive him for an hour, he was pronounced dead at UCLA. However, despite this, almost no one had any kind of comment regarding it. No official doctor’s statements, no nurses being interviewed, no second cousins of neighboring patients coming out to gawk and report what they saw or heard. The only comments reported was someone who worked there said something strange was going on with regards to MJ, and someone else claimed the fire alarm went off while MJ was there. (In the CNN transcripts they mention the fire alarms in passing.)

6. Dr. Conrad Murray refused to sign the death certificate. No physician at UCLA in charge would sign either. In fact no UCLA doctor has made any kind of statement confirming the death of Michael Jackson or even that he was on the premises.

7. Cause of death was listed as “deferred” until after the autopsy. The DC states that it is only valid if signed in purple ink. At the bottom it’s signed in BLUE ink. There are also many irregularities of the document which indicate it possibly isn’t legitimate.
8. The autopsy results have been held, pending a toxicology report, which was due but is now expected to be two more weeks. (at time of posting this). A total of 3 autopsies have been ordered. One official, one by the family who for some reason wanted their own autopsy performed, and a third reportedly requested by Joe Jackson, MJ’s father. (ETA: Later the autopsy and tox reports have been stated to be delayed “indefinitely.”)

9. There is, in existence a SINGLE photo of MJ dead (or dying.) Taken by a tabloid reporter through a DARK tinted window of the ambulance. No other photos of him got taken, no photos at the hospital, no photos anywhere. (ETA: Upon further research there appear to be three photos taken in close succession, but how was the photo so clear and not blurred? And why does MJ look so healthy, alive, and young? It looks like it could be a wax dummy from the Ghosts set.)

10. There were several security cameras at the mansion in LA where MJ collapsed, but there is missing time from them. No video footage of the events in question.

11. MJ’s personal physician Dr. Tohme claimed MJ had no heart problems, that he danced 4 hours a day and it was more likely that he (Dr. Tohme) would have a heart attack than MJ. (Dr. Tohme was mistakenly reported as MJ’s personal physician, turns out he was his business manager and this point about what he said or didn’t say and whether or not it’s accurate, cannot be confirmed.)

12. Though there have been several people who have come forward suddenly talking about MJ having a drug problem and them trying to have an intervention for him, many other credible sources have come forward to say the opposite, among them: Mark Lester, and Tom Meserau. Many people at the last rehearsal claimed he was energetic and on top of his game and in no way seemed sickly or drugged. Supposedly family members wanted to have an intervention in 2007. But in 2007 MJ was in Ireland or Bahrain, how would his family know he had a drug problem if he’s halfway across the world? (A commenter here states is was in the US, but I’m really not sure about that.) Further, Jermaine has claimed on Larry King that he was not aware of any kind of drug problem on MJ’s part. If the family was “staging an intervention” wouldn’t Jermaine have been made aware of the situation?

13. Why are we just now hearing about MJ’s drug problem now? While it is true he had an RX drug dependency in 1993 (because he admitted it in an interview), and he may have had problems with RX drugs at various points and even at the end, why… with all the freaking out about hyperbaric chambers, chimpanzees, plastic surgery etc, did no Tabloid reporter ever think to jump all over the “Wacko Jacko on Drugs” bandwagon?

14. Why are there contradictory stories about MJ’s health? Some have said he seemed frail and weak. He was underweight. He couldn’t possibly do 50 concerts. Others said he was vibrant, energetic, healthy, on top of his game. And these were all people who had seen him recently.

15. Is it convenient that AEG just happens to do all this footage, the day before he drops dead?

16. How does a man with a supposed long-term RX drug problem pass a 4-5 hour physical a few months prior to his death in order to have his concerts insured by Lloyd’s of London? That is something that would show up on a 4-5 hour physical. Either some insurance fraud is going on, or someone isn’t reporting the whole truth regarding MJ and drugs. Or he wasn’t on drugs.

17. Why did so many of MJ’s longterm friends not show up at the memorial at all, but those who ended up speaking and performing either never met MJ or hadn’t spoken to him in years? (Queen Latifah had never met him, Brooke Shields hadn’t spoken to him in years. Liz Taylor, Mac Culkin, Diana Ross, all declined showing up to name a few.)

18. While I don’t want to disrespect Liz Taylor, why would she mourn on Twitter only? She couldn’t go to the memorial, but she could tweet about it?

19. Dr. Conrad Murray fled the scene. He’s supposedly cooperating with investigators, but then he goes back to the bat cave and even tabloid reporters can’t seem to find him.

20. And just out of curiosity… why does it seem like only one picture of this doctor exists on the planet? Every article I see about him shows the same freaking picture. Now here is a test to try. Go to Google, click the link for “News” Then type: “Dr. Conrad Murray” in parenthesis. To the left there should be an archive. Archives generally go for YEARS, up to ten years or more. But there are only archives for 2009. Did he not exist before then? Whoops! now search his name in parenthesis under images… find me ONE image that isn’t the same exact one. In his entire life he only got his picture made that one time?

21. Dr. Murray has been described by some patients as a “holistic doctor” who didn’t like to prescribe medications, especially stronger medications like painkillers. If this is true, it’s unlikely MJ would have brought him on board if he was looking for an “enabling doctor.” And it’s unlikely Murray would have enabled him.

22. Up to a year ago all kinds of crazy tabloid stories were being leaked about MJ’s failing health and all kinds of crazy diseases he supposedly had.

23. He was visiting a medical center close by several times prior to his death.

24. A tabloid reporter predicted that MJ had six months to live, and six months later he died.

25. Someone called a radio station and hoaxed MJ’s death several months ago. It was reported that the pop star had died, but later this report was retracted. (You can youtube search this. There is a video about it. The hoax even mentions a drug overdose.)

26. Several long-term and diehard MJ fans have expressed doubt that the person giving the O2 announcement at the London theatre was actually Michael Jackson. Many (including myself on this point) believe that it was an impersonator based on the way he walked (totally unlike MJ), the weird mannerisms and gestures and almost bragging manner (MJ was always humble with his fans, and everybody else, ALWAYS), and his accent is just OFF. This isn’t a matter of voice tone or pitch which alternated with him depending on how shy he was feeling, or if he needed to project his voice, this was ACCENT, totally wrong. Here is the video if you want to judge for yourself. Fast forward to about 4:32 if you want to skip past the advertisement to the MJ announcement. That is totally not MJ. His smile is also wrong.
ETA: I now think it’s possible that MJ was at the O2 but that he was acting weird, talking in a funny accent, and walking like 50 cent on purpose to create controversy. (i.e. he was punking us.)

27. Dr. Murray’s excuse (delivered in an interview through his attorney, since he vanished into the bat cave), for why he didn’t call 911 sooner is that there was no landline hooked up for some security reason or another. When asked why he didn’t use his cell phone, the attorney said that the doctor didn’t have Michael’s address. Oh really? His attending physician who was at his house didn’t know the address? Well here is a wacky concept: CELL PHONES HAVE GPS. They didn’t NEED him to know the address. Further, he could have just said: “It’s Michael Jackson.” I’m sure someone would have figured it out. It wasn’t like MJ didn’t live practically down the street from UCLA.

28. How could investigators rule out foul play before they had an autopsy or a tox screen? Isn’t that a little weird and presumptuous? Then they later said they weren’t ruling out homicide. Then they came back and said probably no one will be charged with anything… all of these statements BEFORE the toxicology report came back, which is what they are supposed to be waiting on before making any judgments in these matters.

29. If Dr. Murray is a cardiologist, and MJ is too weak to move off the bed, why wouldn’t he have had with him and used a defibrillator?

30. Supposedly MJ insisted on hiring Dr. Murray, a doctor who had treated his sick daughter once in 2006 and apparently the two became friends. MJ claimed he was comfortable with him and wanted AEG to hire him on for the tour. We have no way of knowing if MJ insisted on this doctor or not, since most people hadn’t met him and the people claiming this are AEG and Dr. Murray’s attorney, people who have a vested interest in MJ having a prior friendship with Murray to keep suspicion off them.

31. Cherilynn Lee went on CNN after MJ’s death to claim that MJ wanted an IV drip of Diprivan to sleep. She was a NUTRITIONIST. Why on EARTH would MJ go to a holistic nutritionist to ask for Diprivan? Or any other drug? She was let go previously. Why would he call someone he hadn’t talked to for 3 months to ask for this drug? If MJ had all these enabling doctors, WHY would he go to this woman he hadn’t spoken to in three months? Not only that, she claims in the interview that MJ didn’t want pills, he wanted an IV. However others have said MJ was afraid of needles. Why would he be chasing needle drugs? She claimed it was important to come out and set the record straight and she didn’t want her 15 minutes of fame. Um, okay. Which is what all former Jackson employees said right before their mouths started flapping bullshit. She also said he owed her money. So why would he call her if he owed her money? She claims in interviews that it’s “not the drugs they’re saying” (Demerol), but it’s Diprivan… on her say so. Well does she need to save the truth of MJ? I mean this is why we have the tox screen going on. It will reveal whatever drugs were going on. On the PLUS side, she portrays MJ as someone absolutely convinced it was safe and that his doctor said it was safe, which isn’t the behavior of a ‘drug addict’ but someone who trusted doctors who lied. (But I find even THAT kind of hard to believe considering MJ read and researched everything.)

32. Grace Rwaramba refuted claims that she’d said she “pumped MJ’s stomach” from the drugs. She never said this, but the stories circulated everywhere with her name on it soon after MJ’s death.

33. Dr. Conrad Murray after disappearing off the face of the planet where mysteriously even tabloid reporters can’t find him to snap a candid shot (despite supposedly him surfacing to cooperate with police), hires an attorney. Police repeatedly said Dr. Murray was NOT a suspect, just a witness. Why on earth does a man who is only a witness, hire an attorney? Why does he further have that attorney give interviews in his name and on his behalf, instead of doing interviews himself?

34. Even though they weren’t giving up on MJ yet (since they worked on him for an hour at the hospital), the ambulance that left his house had no sirens or lights. An ambulance in an emergency medical situation, always has sirens and lights.

35. During the memorial Kenny Ortega said MJ had been there dancing less than a week ago. But at the memorial MJ had been dead for two weeks. Now clearly this could be him misspeaking, but no stone unturned.

36. Dr. Murray was slated to accompany MJ to London, but he’s not licensed to practice medicine there.

37. The LAFD fire chief in an interview with a BBC reporter kept referring to MJ as “the patient” from the 911 call. He refused to name him because of “HIPPA” violations. Well by this time the ENTIRE WORLD knew it was Michael Jackson. There is no harm in him stating “Michael Jackson” but he repeated “the patient” over and over and said he couldn’t even confirm his identity because of HIPPA violations. WTFever. The woman interviewing him also repeatedly said something about them picking up Jackson from the place he was practicing instead of his rented home (which is the official story) and he never corrected her. (Later he did mention Michael Jackson by name in an interview with CNN. HIPPA laws extend into death, so why exactly is he breaking HIPPA now when he was so paranoid about it before?)

38. In interviews the entire family continues to refer to MJ in present tense. One of the most striking examples is La Toya rolling down her car window and saying something about how they all appreciate the fan support, and Michael does too. Oh does he? What an odd statement to make. Even Paris’ speech at the memorial, moving as it was, is in present tense. “I just wanted to say that ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best daddy you could possibly imagine. And I just want to say that I love him so much.” That’s all present tense. Paris isn’t lying. She also is probably genuinely emotional considering how she worries about her daddy.

39. AFTER many people, including a site getting a lot of media attention called Michael Jackson Hoax death, whines and complains for weeks about how there only seems to be one photograph of Dr. Murray and no video… only THEN does TMZ and a couple of other places conveniently start to show new photographs and even a video (which there is no way to tell is Dr. Murray at all.) Are they responding to our suspicions? Why are they just now all of a sudden producing a few extra photos and videos? Even so, why are papparazzi not camped out at this man’s house if they know the location? Why don’t get get more photographs and video of him? Does this seem very likely?

40. Diprivan is not a common drug for recreational drug use. It’s a rather bizarre drug to abuse. Nor is it a drug that makes you feel at all rested (as you dont’ get REM) It is a completely pointless drug for anyone with an “addiction” or “need for sleep” to take. Further, a story has been floating around about how MJ had an anasthesiologist on tour with him years ago. This makes NO sense given what is factually true about these drugs… namely that you CANNOT get rest. he wouldn’t have been able to perform. This sounds to me like another hyperbaric chamber or elephant man bones story. Also, people who take Diprivan long term develop amnesia and motor coordination problems. MJ researched everything,which is probably why he was so into organic foods. Why would he not research something more dangerous he was putting into his body? And why would he put it into his body if it could affect his ability to dance? How could MJ have done the tours where supposedly he was on Diprivan, if he didn’t get rest PLUS was going to have motor coordination problems? Has anyone SEEN MJ dance? It’s not like Ozzy jumping around on stage.

41. The LAPD didn’t mark the house off as a crime scene and the family was in and out of the house for FOUR days before the LAPD thought “hey maybe we’ve got a crime scene here.” It is said that the family took things out, but they just as easily could have planted things. (such as drugs and such that were later found.) If the family was taking a bunch of things out… why would they leave the drugs in? If they suspected foul play why would they compromise the crime scene?

42. Dr. Murray’s office and home were only RECENTLY raided, after a MONTH from the death. Shouldn’t that have been done sooner? Won’t all evidence be gone?

43. Supposedly files were removed from Dr. Murray’s office on the day of MJ’s death 3 hours before the hospital was called, which calls into question how long Dr. Murray waited to call the paramedics… but…

44. The picture in the ambulance doesn’t look like a long-dead MJ. It doesn’t even look like a dead MJ (he’s got a popping vein in his forehead. You don’t get that on a dead body.) In fact… the MJ in the ambulance doesn’t even look like MJ circa 2009, but rather like MJ circa 1995 which is another time when he had a collapse and was rushed to the doctor. Could the photograph be photoshopped with earlier images not used by the same tabloid reporter?

45. The tabloid reporter from TMZ who got the “last photo” of Michael Jackson, just happens to be a licensed EMT and wants to quit the paps and go to medical school. That photo sure would pay the way for that.

46. After the death Joe Jackson in an interview pimped his new record label and said the kids were doing “great.” A little odd, no? How would these kids be doing great? He also claimed Omer Bhatti was MJ’s son and that he knew MJ had a secret son. Omer Bhatti has denied he is MJ’s kid. Even though admitting to such a thing would help his music career. (Omer’s)

47. TMZ seems to be the first on the scene for EVERY story. They scoop all other major news outlets. Who is feeding them?

48. There are MANY conflicting reports about MJ’s death. He died in the bedroom, he died in the doctor’s room. Prince witnessed it, not one witnessed it. MJ was already dead when the paramedics got there, MJ was revived and was in a coma, MJ was “worked on” for over an hour, MJ’s body was warm (incidentally a medical fact about cardiac arrest is his body would have been cold), MJ’s body was cold, MJ looked peaceful like he was sleeping, MJ’s face had been battered by CPR (huh?), The casket was closed at the memorial because the face had been battered by CPR… but the kids saw him in the private memorial, he’s been cremated, no he hasn’t, the body is missing, the body hasn’t been released to the family yet, the body has been released, the body is in a secret location, and on and on and on and on. There is not ONE fact about MJ’s “death” that anyone can agree on. (And yes, at this point I”m putting “death” in parenthesis until any two people on the face of the planet can get their story straight.)

49. On July 6th, 2002 MJ gave a speech that was basically about bringing Sony and especially Tommy Mottolla down, who MJ described as an evil man, the devil, and a racist. (Mottolla reportedly did some scary shit to Mariah Carey his ex-wife.) The very NEXT DAY, July 7th, 2002 is the date of the will that has been brought up as MJ’s will. Clearly the man feared for his life then. Is there any reason to suspect that fear was unfounded or died away? He also believed Sony was in some way involved with the child molestation trial. After all, how could MJ defend his 50% stake in the Sony catalog if he was in prison? (People have claimed MJ was broke, but he made hundreds of millions of dollars a year from his holdings in the Sony catalog. How can he be broke or in debt?)

50. The custody case is being settled out of court after many delays. (This may or may not have anything to do with anything. But there is a lot of suspicion surrounding the many delays in many areas of this situation.) It’s been reported that the custody to Katherine Jackson is temporary. many believe custody will eventually be transferred over to Rowe. But why would it? If MJ is alive, the custody to Katherine is temporary for obvious reasons.

51. MJ rehired attorney John Branca three weeks before his “death.” He also rehired several others like Frank Dileo and Karen Faye.

52. The 911 operator HUNG UP on the caller saying to call back if they needed anymore help. That is 100% against 911 policy. They have to stay on the line until the paramedics get there.

53. Within a few hours of the cardiac arrest, all of Jackson’s staff was fired. (Why wouldn’t they keep them on for security detail for the house instead of ransacking it and screwing up a possible crime scene?) In fact, most of the staff doesn’t seem to have seen much of anything and firing them would be a good way to keep them FROM seeing anything. They were removed from the premises immediately and then fired very soon after that.

54. La Toya has been interviewed by Tabloids (for money) where she’s said MJ was murdered and she will reveal by who if the police don’t. Joe and Katherine have also stated they believe there is foul play. Why wouldn’t La Toya just go to the police?

55. There were no drugs found in MJ’s home until the second search. (after family members have been there.)

56. Conrad Murray had been Jackson’s doctor for 11 days.

57. At the end of the memorial: “I’m here and I’m alive forever” flashed on the screen with a picture of MJ. As well as the end picture from Liberian Girl where MJ was directing a video unseen by the participants.

58. A mysterious source has released the pepsi footage of MJ’s burn accident from 1984. Pepsi is reportedly outraged by the leak. Michael Jackson had the only footage. Who released this footage and why? And oh hey… it supports the drug theory!

59. TMZ released the 911 call first. How did they get it? They also released the “place with no name” unreleased song clip.

60. In yet another “contradictory story” MJ’s chef, after a FULL MONTH comes out with her story of the day of MJ’s death. Supposedly Prince was called in to witness the CPR. Now one could say this is very suspicious and maybe Dr. Murray was trying to build a defense showing he tried to save MJ. But… if this kid really witnessed this, wouldn’t he have been traumatized? And is there any evidence he was traumatized at the memorial? And what about Joe Jackson a few days after the death saying the kids were doing “great.” Would Prince be “doing great” if he’d witnessed such a traumatizing scene? So then why is the chef lying about this? To the Associated Press of all places (If you’re going to lie, why not lie to the Tabloids and make money?) On top of all this, we have yet another witness (the chef), saying there was no evidence of MJ abusing RX drugs. hmmmm. So many conflicting stories.

61. The Michael Jackson Memorial is listed on and not only the singers and speakers but the family and Michael Jackson himself is listed as “Cast” A bit of an odd way to classify it.

62. When Jermaine sang “Smile” at the memorial, he mixed some lyrics up… instead of “Hide any trace of sadness” he sang “Hide any trace of gladness.” and “light up your face with sadness.” If it’s just a slip of the tongue, then how did he slip on BOTH lyrics? And completely reverse them? This can clearly be heard in the Memorial footage.

63. This Is It is listed in IMDB for release date October 30th, but the page was created on July 6th, 2009, one day before the memorial. This was before they had supposedly spoken to a judge to get permission to do it, before they’d supposedly sold the rights. The reality is, they moved on this deal IMMEDIATELY when MJ “died.” They did not wait and mourn. The wheels are already set in motion and the deal is already done at least one day before the memorial.

64. Everyone is speaking of MJ in present tense that is being interviewed. Anyone who didn’t know MJ was dead certainly wouldn’t know it after most of these interviews either.

65. In the 911 call, the caller says that they are calling from 100 North Carolwood drive, Los Angeles California, 90077. Now if you go to googlemaps and check that out… there is a business at that address called RNA construction. The number listed with it is disconnected.

66. Remember how none of the friends of MJ, the real close friends, showed up at the memorial? All making excuses about how sad they were or whatever? Quincy Jones couldn’t go because it was so sad after James Brown. Well James Brown died three years ago. I mean come on. Then Macaulay Culkin has been pretty radio silent and didn’t even attend the memorial. He hasn’t even said anything about MJ. (Neither has Oprah.) Culkin’s sister recently died so we could cut him some slack. That’s gotta be tragic… but.. John Hughes… director of Home Alone recently passed, Culkin is paying tribute to him… yet he has pretty much ignored MJ’s death. WHY? That’s a little on the strange side. They were friends for over nearly 20 years.

67. Kenny Ortega and several of the dancers from the This Is It tour have made bizarre and cryptic comments on their Twitter accounts, obliquely referencing this project after MJ’s death. They are a little too giddy. The dancers still have their contracts (2 year contracts, which indicate whatever was being planned was more than just 50 shows.) The dancers are also under special agreements where they can’t talk about certain things. One of the dancers named Timor, talked about MJ on a dutch television program after the death. He kept speaking about MJ in present tense saying things like: “He loves life” Even the host noticed all this present tense talk, got a puzzled look on his face and asked WHY he was speaking about him in present tense… he said something like MJ was in his heart or something. He also has a twitter account in which he mentions getting on a plane and going to LA and about it being a small step for him, but a big step for the world. Oh really? Don’t you have to be a meglomaniac to think anything you’re doing in LA is a big step for the world? Timor didn’t strike me as a meglomaniac.

68. During a Larry King Live interview (another one), Jermaine continues to talk about MJ in present tense, saying things like “he reads everything.” Oh really? Does he? It’s been 6 weeks, and Jermaine and everyone else talks about MJ as if he’s still alive. Anyone who didn’t know MJ had died, wouldn’t know it now either.

69. There was no insurance on MJ with AEG for death supposedly, it was only for non-performance.

70. MJ supposedly had a 3 million dollar life insurance policy. (Why for so little when Heath Ledgers was for 10 million and MJ is WAY bigger than Heath Ledger. Isn’t 3 million dollars about like a roll of quarters to MJ?) We’ve heard stories in legitimate newspapers that someone let the life insurance lapse… in which case it wouldn’t be paid out. But then we hear other reports that the life insurance has paid out… due to the apparently supernatural powers of Branca and McLain to make it happen. In a situation like this, an insurance company will do everything they can not to have to pay out. There is no way they paid out before things are all settled. Not buying it. Sorry. Not only this, but supposedly the reports where the life insurance was paid is in SEALED court documents that no one can read. IF Life insurance paid 3 million, isn’t it MORE likely the life insurance was just cashed out… the money that was paid into it? You can cash out your life insurance if you’re still alive. And NO insurance company is going to pay out with so many questions swirling around about the death. They have big time attorneys too. John Branca is brilliant, but he wouldn’t intimidate an insurance company.

71. Joe Jackson, Jermaine Jackson, and Frank Dileo have all stated on filmed interviews (where you can physically watch their mouths moving as opposed to the printed press where anyone can write anything), that they heard about MJ in the hospital from a fan. A fan? really? So do a lot of Michael Jackson fans have Joe, Jermaine, and Frank’s telephone numbers? Why on earth would you hear that sort of thing from a fan? In another interview at Neverland, Jermaine claims CNN called him and told him about MJ in the hospital. Really? Jermaine is that tight with CNN that they call him to tell him about matters in his own family?

72. Mark Lester, the godfather of the children, has come out now and said he thinks he’s Paris’ daddy. (He is on video saying this so it’s not just tabloid gossip.) Arnold Klein claims he is the father of one or more of MJ’s children. Well I personally feel that MJ is the bio dad of all three of his children. They look bi-racial to me. MJ has both white and native american roots in his family tree. If he procreated in any manner with a white woman, it’s highly likely any children produced from her would look more white. But the kids look like their daddy when he was little. Paris looks a lot like her aunt Janet. So why suddenly are people that MJ trusted, like Klein and Lester, coming out and saying they’re the daddy? Could it be possible, that they are trying to get paternity tests, and those paternity tests would prove MJ was the bio dad of ALL three of his kids? Finally shutting up one set of rumors about him?

73. Both Brian Oxman (family attorney) and Uri Gellar (like how the hell does he know), claim that MJ has been already buried and was buried right after the memorial. Well, that’s strange, since Jermaine JUST told us on Larry King the friday before this that MJ hadn’t been buried yet and they don’t know where they’re putting him and that Katherine knows all that stuff. Mmmmhmmm. To make matters weirder, why would MJ be buried without his brain? The family didn’t have the brain on July 7th and as far as I’m aware they still don’t, or else have JUST recently gotten it. (Yes, I know that’s morbid to talk about but… the story just keeps getting stranger and stranger. I really can’t believe more people aren’t standing up and crying foul here.)

74. Uri Gellar (who I severely dislike but this is a good point), stated originally that he didn’t believe MJ was dead, he thought it was a hoax at first. And he said that he wouldn’t believe it until he heard from the doctor that worked on MJ. Um, well, Uri, honey… we haven’t heard from the doctor. There has never been any statement from any doctor at UCLA, nor has there been a statement officially from Dr. Murray. Dr. Murray wouldn’t even sign the death certificate. So are we back to hoax then?

75. Karen Faye has started talking about weird stuff on her facebook. Things like having to feed MJ with a spoon he was so weak. Why would Karen Faye a long term trusted friend of MJ start facebooking about all this stuff (and many have confirmed this is her actual facebook.) She’s also made other bizarre statements like “Michael Jackson didn’t know how to use a computer.” Sure he didn’t. he knew all about cameras, loved technology, was really involved with his music and videos, and knew how to operate a soundboard (which is infinitely more difficult than your average home computer), but he can’t operate a computer. Mmmmhmmm. I guess he just had his laptop for decoration then. I’ve seen pictures from the nineties of him on a laptop.

76. Reports have said that Murray and Klein will both be charged in two weeks. Oh really? Will they now? Cause supposedly the autopsy and tox results can’t be released to the public for fear of hampering the investigation. Yet an “unnamed source” can tell us that these two are about to be charged, giving them ample warning so they can flee the country. Yeah, sure. Why hasn’t this unnamed source leaked info from the autopsy or tox results? If they’re so chatty all of a sudden?

77. Dr. Murray released a video on Youtube, thanking his supporters for standing by him. It’s reminiscent of MJ’s 1993 and 2004 video statements regarding the molestation charges. Except the difference is… in MJ’s videos he stressed his innocence, Murray spends about 95% of his video message giving a shout out to his “peeps.” The message is pretty vague and cryptic, and doesn’t mention michael jackson by name at all, or the possible charges against him. Those who believe this is a hoax, believe that this isn’t actually a message from Dr. Murray, but is a message from Michael to his fans who believe he’s alive. Either way though the intended audience is most definitely NOT his “supporters.” It’s either a PR move to humanize him, or it’s a message from Michael Jackson himself.

78. It was announced that MJ would be buried on August 29th. (His birthday.) This is fairly weird since much of his family is JW and they do not acknowledge birthdays at all. it’s also fairly morbid. The burial has been announced and delayed many many times now. Joe Jackson has NOW stated that MJ won’t be buried on his birthday but is likely to be buried on August 31st, or even later.

79. While several members of the Jackson family have claimed that MJ is at Forest Lawn, telephone calls to forest lawn indicated that MJ wasn’t at any of their locations, period. (A more normal statement would have been that they aren’t authorized to discuss Mr. Jackson.) Man, I bet the people at forest lawn HATE Michael Jackson fans with all of them that have called.

80. Dr. Murray’s attorney stated that when Murray found Jackson, he had a “weak pulse” and was warm but had stopped breathing. That is not cardiac arrest. Murray’s attorney said Murray stated he gave CPR, but you do not give CPR with a pulse, you give artificial respiration, which is a different thing. A cardiologist would know this. A doctor would know this. Hell, anyone who has passed the eighth grade would know this

81. The Siren and Lights Pickle (figured out by Anna K. of MJHD): When the ambulance left MJ’s house there was no siren and lights. It’s illegal to use siren and lights in a non-emergency situation, but in an emergency situation it’s policy. Some say MJ was dead when they got there which is why there are no sirens and lights but… the ambulance photo shows them trying to save him, and if they were doing that, there would be sirens and lights… plus he hadn’t been pronounced dead either… so… sirens and lights. ALSO (and this part is my addition to this): the 911 call: the dispatcher said: “Call us back if you need anything else” and disconnected the call. This is 100% against policy. They have to stay on the line in an emergency situation until the paramedics arrive, even if there is a doctor on the scene. BUT… if it’s not an emergency situation… I guess they’d want to keep the line free, huh?

82. Dr. Murray’s attorney has posted a list of “friends and patients” to support Dr. Murray on their website along with telephone numbers. File this in the “bizarre Legal Defense strategy of the century” drawer.

83. Mark Lester talks some more about how he’s Paris’ daddy except this time he talks to a more legit news source and says Michael was too shy and uncomfortable having sex with women so… he asked for Mark’s sperm instead. (Raise your hand if you think Michael would really find it more comfortable to ask Mark Lester for some of his sperm than use his own in a clinical setting or sleep with a woman… yeah me either.)

84. (This one was shared to me by Mo from MJHD): The photographer who got the “last photo of MJ” kind of failed to mention that it wasn’t really the only photo. There were THREE. I’ve seen all three, and it is clear from the movement of the paramedics in relation to MJ that they are three completely unique photographs. What is the likelihood that the one photographer who got “the last shot of MJ” got 3 PERFECT clear and non-blurry photographs in the span of a couple of seconds with the hubbub, a moving ambulance (however slowly), paramedics moving inside the ambulance, and tinted black windows with bright sunshine out? Close to zero maybe? Also… WHY is one of the members of the TMZ team standing back across the street to get a clear wide angle shot of the guy who is taking the “last photo of MJ” it’s almost like a “proof shot” Like “Hey look, the photo you saw of MJ dying is totally real, we promise.” This looks like a pretty organized effort. If MJ is really dying in this ambulance, why isn’t the papparazzi guy across the street trying to move in and get the money shot too? Is he really that magnanimous? Or does he feel he’s documenting history by getting a shot of the other guy taking the picture?

85. The LAPD chief of police has resigned, in the middle of the Michael Jackson case (a case that could make his career), 2 years before his tenure is up. His resignation is effective October 31st, which coincidentally is only a few days after the release of the This Is It movie. He is reportedly going into private security and re-locating. The LAPD chief of police is one of the few non-corrupt people in the LAPD, could he be uncomfortable enough with a situation involving MJ that he’s chosen to step down and remove himself from the area?

86. Caught by Salvatora on MJHD The chef claims on LKL that Murray came running down the stairs at 12:05 screaming for help. But the screen in the firetruck that shows the transcript of the 911 call says the 911 call came in at 12:21. Where is the missing 15 minutes? What happened for 15 minutes. It’s also been reported they arrived at the house around 12:27 or 12:30 but they didn’t leave the house until 1 pm to go to the hospital. Some reports indicated they may have been trying to revive michael at the house for up to 45 minutes. Why? the hospital is five minutes away? And that Ambulance pic is NOT someone who has been dead for 45 minutes. And if he’d been dead for 45 minutes why would Jermaine say his body at the hospital was warm? Some paramedics have supposedly stated MJ was stabilized before arriving at the hospital. If that’s so, how could he be dead? Wouldn’t the CNN and headline news reported Coma story make more sense?

87. There is something DEFINITELY weird about the murray video. When I first saw it I thought his lips looked weird and he looked kind of CGI’d. Also the video is obviously and poorly spliced at :38 seconds in the vid. Several have said maybe Murray is MJ in a costume, but I think maybe the truth is even better than that. If MJ is alive, the Murray vid is most likely a message from him. What if he delivered the message himself and then they CGI’d murray over him (ala a couple of characters in Pirates of the Carribbean) and MJ used a fake accent and they altered the voice too. Watch the murray vid and the 1993 MJ vid back to back and see what I mean. This is WAy too michael jackson like. Souza81 from MJHD suggested that MJ did the audio maybe and Murray lip sync’d. That idea didn’t make total sense to me because why would they do that? But maybe MJ did the audio AND video and then they altered the audio and CGI’d Murray over the video. Hey, it wouldn’t be weirder than anything else going on here.

88. Mark Torbiner was the man that gave Jordie Chandler the Sodium Amytal which brought about his false confession. He was also brought in to testify in the 2005 criminal trial, AND he is listed by some as possibly one of MJ’s enabling doctors. WHY WHY WHY would MJ go to Mark Torbiner of ALL people for drugs?

89. All mainstream news outlets are reporting that court documents have been unsealed and that they reveal Murray gave MJ a cocktail of drugs before giving propofol. If Murray had actually confessed this to police he would have already been arrested, because he wasn’t authorized or certified to prescribe OR administer anything more serious than cough syrup in the state of california. Propofol is a legal loophole because it’s not a controlled substance. But if he admitted to administering the other drugs he would have been arrested.

90. Michael Jackson is wrongly listed in the Social Security death index. (the SSA admits that errors occur and sometimes people are mistakenly listed who aren’t dead. So anyone using the SSDI as a proof that MJ is dead, is really grasping at straws.) Michael Jackson’s legal name is: Michael Joe Jackson (we know this because the trial against him in 2005 was: The State of California vs. Michael Joe Jackson… they have to use your real and full legal name.) But the Death Certificate says: Michael Joseph Jackson. ERROR. AND… in the social security database he’s listed as: Joseph Michael Jackson, which is TWO errors in listing.

91. A lot has been said about Sony and a possible murder conspiracy, but Tommy Motolla was fired a long time ago and power in Sony has shifted. MJ received an award a few years ago where he was greeted by the new person in charge at Sony/Epic and it was an artist like him. And he said “My how things have changed.” Could the Sony Threat be a red herring?

92. La Toya and other family members have screamed murder conspiracy, the AEG concerts don’t seem like they were ever planned to actually go forward because of a lack of rider in the contract… and yet… Kenny Ortega was invited to the burial. Why? If AEG was suspected as a part of a murder conspiracy, Ortega would not have been invited. Further, Ortega is too happy and giddy for a man who just lost a friend.

93. For that matter, Liz Taylor and Mac Culkin, also at the burial, were happy and giddy themselves. The atmosphere of all the people present was more like a wedding than a funeral. Why is that?

94. The Jackson family PURPOSEFULLY cultivated a media circus for the burial. Why would they do that if MJ was dead and they were truly grieving? We can say maybe more opportunistic members of the family did it, but we’ve been told from day one that Katherine was in charge and control of all of it. They announced to the media the date, time and location of the burial, as well as having it outdoors. If they didn’t want the media attention they would have done things very differently. If they did want the media attention, either they are soulless people who don’t truly love Michael (even Katherine and Janet), or Michael isn’t dead and they are taking direction from him.

95. Since MJ’s death, Frank Dileo has been on camera on two different occasions saying completely contradictory things on MJ. On an LKL interview he claimed MJ was in control of his life, no one told MJ what to do, if he wanted to see you he did, if he didn’t see you it was because he didn’t want to see you. No one was controlling or isolating MJ etc. etc. Then in a video about Tohme Tohme and his shady history… Dileo tells a completely opposite story about how Tohme Tohme was controlling and isolating MJ. So which is it? Perhaps Tohme Tohme is a red herring as well.

domenica 13 giugno 2010


Mr. Ortega created his account twitter on May 31st, 2009 (very strange)!
Here below, his more interesting and ambiguous twitts from that date onwards ..

Let's start!

1) Hey everybody KO here this is my first tweet PEACE and LOVE! 11:06 PM May 31st, 2009

2) The rehearsals for MJ are well under way in LA. Awesome team, MJ's rockin! London 02 July 13th. 2:24 AM Jun 3rd, 2009

3) MJ's awesome! We started Tech rehearsals last week. We've been in Band and Dance rehearsals since April. Cheers... 8:27 AM Jun 10th, 2009

4) Imagination creates reality-Sweet dreams, make em happen! 8:39 AM Jun 10th, 2009

5) Another amazing day with MJ. He has been an inspiration from day one. His heart and imagination are in every part of THIS IS IT! Peace out! 11:32 AM Jun 11th, 2009

6) THIS IS IT Countdown to MJ in London. One month and a day. WHO'S BAD! 11:10 AM Jun 12th, 2009

7) THIS IS IT Countdown to MJ in London. One month! Going be startin something... 10:10 AM Jun 13th, 2009

8) Workin late hours to get it all right. Thanks for your patience, we're bringing you the magic soon. Peace and Love KO 10:13 AM Jun 13th, 2009

9) Name the movie and that tune- " got to believe we are magic, nothing can stand in our way". Night peeps xoxo 10:37 AM Jun 13th, 2009

10) I'm off to rehearsal. I promise to send your love and praises to the MAN! Peace my peeps. Love somebody :) 8:38 PM Jun 13th, 2009

11) Close your eyes, imagine things right with the world. Open your eyes, do something to create positive change for future generations. love... 12:34 AM Jun 15th, 2009

12) @loveforalltime Everyday it's a blessing to be alive. Everyday there is something to learn and to give. I'm living my childhood dream :) JOY 11:06 PM Jun 15th, 2009

13) Off for another day of rehearsal, and living the dream. Peace my Peeps! 7:39 PM Jun 16th, 2009

14) Checkin out folks. Manly and I have some sweet dreaming to do. Fun tweetin with ya. In the light! 12:04 PM Jun 19th, 2009

15) 30 Peeps away :) It's going to happen today! Countdown to TII 24 Days. Imagination Creates Reality! 8:01 PM Jun 19th, 2009

16) 15 away...ahh yeah... CAN YOU FEEL IT? Manly and I are doing a little jig in the backyard to celebrate. Love to all my Peeps! 9:30 PM Jun 19th, 2009

17) @ram70 PEOPLE, FRIENDS, HAHA CHILL, ALL IS RIGHT :) 9:56 PM Jun 19th, 2009

18) TA-DAH! WOOH-HOO! 20 02 TII! UNBELIEVABLE, KEEP EM COMING! 10:20 PM Jun 19th, 2009

19) Have a Rockin Weekend my friends. Off to rehearsal and another day of magic and living the dream! 10:25 PM Jun 20th, 2009

20) @loveforalltime YOU'VE GOT TO BELIEVE WE ARE MAGIC - NOTHING CAN STAND IN OUR WAY... 10:33 PM Jun 21st, 2009

21) Enjoying a restful day in the sun. Tomorrows rehearsal bring us another day closer to the dream. We feel your love & excitement! 21 days TII 10:50 PM Jun 21st, 2009

22) Sweet Dreams All! I'm off to slumber. I have to rest up for a very big TII week. Imagination creates reality! Peace in Iran and the world! 8:03 AM Jun 23rd, 2009

23) Rehearsal was awesome tonight. My lips are sealed as to any specifics, but know we're back and we're bad as ever :) 19 days and counting TII 10:54 AM Jun 24th, 2009

24) Good night sweet tweets. Dream the impossible dream...Peace, love and happiness! 10:56 AM Jun 24th, 2009


25) *: My dear friend Michael Jackson... 3:54 AM Jun 26th, 2009

26) The World has lost one of the greatest hearts and the heavens have gained a Saint. In the Light my dear Michael, my friend-I love you more! 7:44 AM Jun 26th, 2009

27) Good night to the saddest day. Please join the TII Team in prayer for Michael's Children and Family. MJ Rocked this world like no other! 9:59 AM Jun 26th, 2009

28) As we close our eyes on this sad day, DREAM, BELIEVE, THIS IS NOT IT. In time, we will celebrate and honor his vision with you all. 9:13 AM Jun 27th, 2009

29) You are not alone in the desire to see Michael celebrated with a Tribute that honors his final work TII We are working to make that real. 9:30 PM Jun 27th, 2009

30) Kenny wanted to share these photos that were released today of Michael's rehearsing TII at Staples.-Todd 11:36 PM Jun 29th, 2009

31) There are two ways to live your though NOTHING IS A MIRACLE though EVERYTHING IS A MIRACLE 4:47 AM Jul 8th, 2009

32) Thanks everyone for your out pouring of love and support. Together, we'll heal the pain by striving to HEAL THE WORLD. Michael WILL BE THERE 3:18 AM Jul 11th, 2009

33) THIS IS IT my peeps. Dedicated to all the believers. MJ, Singing and Dancing on the Big Screen! All for you, the fans! October 09! Peace 9:05 AM Aug 12th, 2009

34) I spent the day pouring through gorgeous footage of our beloved Michael. He looks beautiful! SMILE 9:49 AM Aug 13th, 2009

35) @JackJacket Go gettem Jacobo! Wishing you all the luck in the world with your dreams. ICR Imagination Creates Reality 9:43 AM Aug 15th, 2009

36) When you wish upon a star makes no difference who you are anything your heart desires will come to you...Sweet Dreams my Peeps 8:07 AM Aug 17th, 2009


38) Promos for THIS IS IT coming soon. We are hard at work creating a film that features Michael in his final creative process. For the Fans! xo 7:26 PM Aug 20th, 2009

39) @damienshields He was the best Peter of all and still is :) 10:16 AM Aug 27th, 2009

40) I'm Flying-Nothing will stop me now-Higher still look at how-I can zoom around-Way up off the ground-I'm Flying...Peter Pan 10:09 AM Aug 28th, 2009

41) Happy Birthday my beloved Michael. Knowing you is one of the greatest gifts of my life. You continue to inspire me I L.O.V.E. you more TII 8:55 AM Aug 29th, 2009

42) Happy SUN day! It's a gorgeous day in LA. If you like hot :) Manly and I are going for a swim TOY! (Thinking of you) 7:15 PM Aug 30th, 2009

43) Smee: Captain, the ice is melting, the sun is out and the flowers are all in bloom Captain Hook: He's back 9:25 AM Sep 1st, 2009

44) Smee: Captain, the ice is melting, the sun is out and the flowers are all in bloom Captain Hook: He's back 9:37 AM Sep 1st, 2009

45) "If your heart is in your dream No request is too extreme When you wish upon a star As Dreamers Do" Sweet Dreams World :) 9:18 AM Sep 2nd, 2009

46) Hi guys KO here from the editing room at Sony TOY everyday. We're working hard to finish the film. It's all for you, THE FANS 3:03 AM Sep 9th, 2009

47) Heads up, in answer to your question re Michael Jackson's This Is it, it is NOT in 3D. Hope you're having a good Monday. Grrrrrrreeetings 1:54 AM Sep 22nd, 2009

48) Michael Jackson's This Is It, October 28th, For the fans...with L.O.V.E. 7:34 PM Sep 27th, 2009 via web

49) @Sneaker15 Imagination Creates Reality Love to meet you someday too PEACE 10:58 AM Sep 29th, 2009

50) @HeatherAnnXoXo Imagination creates reality 10:10 AM Oct 1st, 2009

51) @DreamsMJ Ahh Moscow I was there with Michael for the History Tour He took us to so many places :) TOY 11:29 PM Oct 3rd, 2009

52) "Accentuate the positive Eliminate the negative Latch on to the affirmative Don't mess with mister in-between"...Mercer 8:03 PM Oct 5th, 2009

53) @MissyB007 Imagination and a little effort can create reality Let's do it together 8:40 AM Oct 9th, 2009

giovedì 15 aprile 2010

ok guys ... this is what I found...
All of you surely remember this sad picture... put out on magazine at the time of MJ's "death"
In the description of various items it's not mentioned the famous bottle of urine, of which we have heard until the AUTOPSY REPORT on 8 February, from TMZ, right?

Well, here there are some interesting article by TMZ.

"Michael Jackson -- The Urination Explanation
Posted Nov 4th 2009 5:47AM by TMZ Staff

Finally an explanation as to why Michael Jackson's 1993 accuser could identify the discoloration on the singer's genitals ... Michael liked to pee for an audience. TMZ has obtained files from the 1993 Santa Barbara molestation investigation. A deputy from the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department noted the young accuser was able to describe -- in explicit detail -- the discoloration on Jackson's genital area ... the result of Vitiligo, a skin discoloration disorder. TMZ's Harvey Levin spent 3 hours last Sunday with Dr. Arnold Klein, Jackson's best friend and doctor for decades. Dr. Klein insists Jackson did not molest the boy, and says the reason he could describe Jackson's genitals is because Jackson liked to pee in front of other people. Dr. Klein said Jackson thought it was funny. Klein says there were numerous times when Jackson would pee in the doctor's home -- in a cup!!! -- around groups of people, including children. Klein says Jackson would also pee in front of other people in his office. Dr. Klein says the 1993 accuser saw Jackson peeing and that's why he could identify the genital markings.

Posted Nov 9th 2009 12:30PM by TMZ Staff
And now for the most important Michael Jackson story you'll hear all day: According to his brother, Jackie, Dr. Arnie Klein's admission that Michael liked to pee in cups in front of people is just plain "absurd."


FINALLY ON FEBRUARY 8, 2010 (the same day Murray went at the court...) WE HAVE THE AUTOPSY REPORT...

Let's read the TMZ post:
"Michael Jackson Coroner Report - House of Drugs
Posted Feb 8th 2010 3:15PM by TMZ Staff

TMZ has just obtained a copy of the full L.A. County Coroner's report in the death of Michael Jackson -- which until now was under seal. The conclusion is clear ... Propofol killed the singer.

According to the report, the manner of death is homicide and the conclusion is based on the following 4 items:
1. Circumstances indicate the Propofol and the benzodiazepines were administered by another.
2. Propofol was administered in a non-hospital setting without any appropriate medical indication.
3. The standard of care for administering Propofol was not met. Recommended equipment for patient monitoring, precision dosing and resuscitation was not present.
4. The circumstances do not support self-administration of Propofol.
The Coroner's report was under wraps until the criminal complaint was filed and it will be a centerpiece in the prosecution of Dr. Conrad Murray on charges of involuntary manslaughter.
UPDATE: In the Coroner's report, the scene at Jackson's house is described in detail, and the bedroom sounds like a hospital. There was a chair next to the bed -- "reportedly the decedent's doctor sat here." Also there -- a green oxygen tank, prescription meds, medical supplies, a box of catheters, disposable needles and alcohol pads.
Also found -- near the foot of the bed ... a closed bottle of urine."
As we first reported, authorities found 11 bottles of Propofol in the house -- 3 100 ml vials and 8 20 ml vials.Also, there was talk about Jackson's hair and reports he was bald. In fact, the Coroner's report says, "The decedent's head hair is sparse and is connected to a wig."
UPDATE: As for what drugs were found in Michael Jackson's house ... authorities found Diazepam (for anxiety) prescribed by Dr. Murray, Lorazepam (for anxiety) prescribed by Dr. Murray and Temazepam (for insomnia) prescribed by Dr. Murray. Authorities also found Clonazepam (for panic disorders) prescribed by Dr. Allan Metzger, Trazodone (an anti-depressant) prescribed by Dr. Metzger. And they found Tizanidine (a muscle relaxer) prescribed to Omar Arnold (a Jackson alias) prescribed by Dr. Arnold Klein. There was also an empty vial of Propofol injectable emulsion and an empty glass vial of a Flumazenil injection (which reverses effects of sedation) and a broken syringe.As we first reported, authorities found 11 vials of Propofol ... 3 100 ml vials and 8 20 ml vials. None of the bottles had prescription directions, patient or doctor names.They also found liquid Midazolam (anti-anxiety), Lorazepam liquid (injectable) and 14 capsules of ephedrine (for narcolepsy and depression), caffeine aspirin, Zanaflex (a muscle relaxer) and Prednisone (for skin conditions). There was also Azithromycin (an antibiotic), prescribed by Dwight James/Cherilyn Lee and the patient name was Kathlyn Hursey.
UPDATE: An anesthesiologist who consulted with the Coroner said there are "NO reports of its use (Propofol) for insomnia relief, to my knowledge. The only reports of its use in homes are cases of fatal abuse."

Now the question is: "WHY DID THEY PUT a bottle of urine in MJ's room? It's simple... because they needed to make urine analysis on it... from which it would result his addiction to ephedrine.

"Propofol, midazolam, lidocaine and ephedrine were identified in his urine."

With the extravagant Klein's tale, about three months before... and he IS a MJ's friend for many years...
So... make your consideration.
To me, there is much more about TMZ that we haven't discovered yet.

giovedì 25 marzo 2010


hello guys, HOW ARE YOU ALL? I'm very very well So... this is a document where MJ responds directly to questions. That's his handwriting and.... WHAT IS THE NAME HE HAS WRITTEN (AND NO ONE ELSE) ON THAT PAPER??? OK... SHALL I HELP YOU?.... MICHAEL JOE JACKSON!



The movie was very nice, I had already prepared a handkerchief in my hands for tears, but the first thing I did was actually laughing because the first scenes of Michael with orange pants are really comical! He moves in a very improper manner, almost ridiculous! The imagines of him with orange pants, are flanked dividing the screen in half with him dressed in a gray suit and red shirt, where Michael is without sunglasses. There's a world of difference! So I would say that for all the parties where his eyes are visible it's him at 100% to me. Even when he's dancing penguin, I have the impression that it is not him, but probably I'm wrong. What I can say with certainty is that I didn't think to see Michael in the film, but he is there very often and he sang divine! His voice is amazing and he has taken to saying that he could not strive for simple reharsals! Incredible .... His movements are fluid, always precise, always recognize ... then I can say with absolute certainty that Michael's on THIS IS IT. My doubt, grew up during the movie, is that it's always Michael even when there are comic gestures: .. I don't know if it was done on purpose to make us believe that there are more doubles in the movie. I don't know if I can explain... a bit like the theory of the O2 guy at the London Arena! Perhaps it was him but on act! On this I can not help you unfortunately, because with the sunglasses it's hard recognize Michael. But without glasses, I assure you guys .. it's our Michael, and... what a wonderful show! Sure, for what we had imagined, the film is really consists in the reharsals that they had said, complete with costumes and special effects. Too many to tell the truth .. which is good for our movie theory. I thinked they spoke much more about him as human being .. and yes, they said that but I thought it was the main theme of the film, but it isn't. I have absolutely not noticed 33 clues. I did not notice the serious numbers of 7 1 3 9. Perhaps all stories invented. The film is the lineup of reharsals and that's all.. But at the end .. after a splendid EARTH SONG, which shows all the most beautiful scenery on Earth .. there is the speech made in a circle, which we have already seen in the trailer.... It seems that it is made for the dancers, but I assure you that he did for us! Michael takes the mic and says to be patient, not to be nervous, because THEY want something important, something that lead THEM to other levels. To take care of the planet because between 4 years will be too late. And it is then that I realized that all this talk, he could not have done before! Or rather, could not do it without knowing that "THIS IS IT" would be a movie. Then, about the word L.O.V.E. He said that in mid-film, and not after Man in the mirror, as we can see in the trailer. He doesn't say "It's all for LOVE". He says a sentence about love but not that. Then the trailer mounted, with him saying IT'S ALL FOR LOVE, L.O.V.E. must have been done later! Guys ... I don't know about you but I am even more sure that THIS IS IT is a movie. And I also believe that it won't be the only one. I have a strange feeling, but it is positive! In my opinion we have not seen anything yet! Keep the faith!


Michael Jackson’s final home, as of Thursday, is even stranger than his Thriller video, sitting atop 13 stories of secret catacombs housing Satanists and gypsies.Diane Dimond tours the tomb.
There are fewer places more beautiful than Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale, California. It’s a park-like 300 acres of rolling hills, massive trees, majestic marble statuary and soothing water features. Hubert Eaton, a devout Christian, took over an existing graveyard in the early 1900s, and designed it to mark a new and glorious beginning, rather than the end of something.Michael Jackson will lie in repose over no fewer than 13 subterranean floors, each holding intriguing secrets.
As one cemetery insider told me, ”It’s sort of the opposite of the stairway to heaven.”But this otherwise majestic place sits atop some dark secrets, ones that, as of this Thursday, Michael Joseph Jackson will rest upon as well. I was able to glimpse an advance peek at the King of Pop’s eternal throne, and the reality is stranger than his Thriller video, sitting atop more than a dozen floors of secret subterranean burial sections housing the remains of ancient devil worshippers and Gypsies, sacrificial fonts and crypts decorated with pentagrams and a secreted area with shelves housing at least a thousand abandoned urns containing the ashes of souls no one claimed. My recent behind-the-scenes tour of the cemetery was conducted by a man who had worked there for several years in a job that had him into the bowels of every single building, the entire breadth of the grounds, and he knew the place like the back of his hand.“There’s Spencer Tracy’s plot -- and over here Errol Flynn’s,” says my guide, pointing to the appropriate places. After rounding a corner of one elaborate building, he motioned toward an out-of-the-way flower bed, pulled back a low hanging palm frond and said, “Hardly anyone has ever seen this.” He pointed to a plaque which read: Walter Elias Disney. Engraved underneath: “Ashes scattered in paradise.” Resting below, at the foot of a Little Mermaid statue, was a small stuffed Mickey Mouse.
Inside the mammoth Freedom Mausoleum, my guide points to a low marble bench and then up to the wall where a side-by-side crypt held the remains of Gracie Allen (1902-1964) and George Burns (1896-1996). He explains that every Tuesday for decades, Burns would sit on that bench and visit with his departed soulmate. The simple legend on their crypt reads: “Together Again.” Nat King Cole’s crypt is above and to the right.Downstairs in this particular building, down into more marble walls holding the remains of members of the Three Stooges and the Marx Brothers, Alan Ladd, Dorothy Dandridge, Clara Bow and many others, my chest tightens. It was like breathing in a heavy dose of musty mold - a rotting suffocating smell that forces staffers to leave open opposing doors so the breeze can carry at least some of the smell away. This smell of death cropped up randomly, in various buildings, throughout our excursion.The talk of workers on the property today is of exactly where Michael Jackson will spend eternity after his final family memorial service, scheduled for Thursday at Forest Lawn’s Great Mausoleum, inside the elaborate Memorial Court of Honor. In that hall Jackson’s casket is scheduled to be staged under a stunning stained glass rendition of Leonardo da Vinci’s "Last Supper" masterpiece. It occupies one entire wall.This location likely would have met with Michael’s approval.
He once commissioned his own special Last Supper painting and for years it hung directly over his bed at Neverland Ranch. In Jackson’s version he occupies the center space where Jesus is usually seen and instead of the disciples there are some of Jackson’s heroes painted in, among them Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Charlie Chaplin, Elvis Presley and Little Richard.

After the hoopla surrounding Jackson’s death dies down, maybe in a year or more, cemetery workers speculate that Jackson will be permanently buried in the uber-expensive “Golden Key” section of Forest Lawn, which is outlined with a prohibitively tall brick wall. Only family members in possession of a special key can enter this rarified space where the likes of Mary Pickford, Sammy Davis Jr. and Humphrey Bogart are interred. It’s a vast and lavish area of the cemetery surrounded with glittering marble statues and elaborate sarcophaguses.But for now, sources tell me, Michael Jackson will be stored in a crypt almost directly underneath the Last Supper masterpiece.To get to that spot my guide showed me a wide marble staircase, roped off to keep the public out, but clearly visible as going down. The first sunken level is where it’s expected Jackson will be held. Standing at the top of these stairs is like standing on the top floor of an apartment building and being able to see all the levels of staircases. It has an eerie feeling to it and, according to multiple sources, this is the route to the secret underground catacombs.Michael Jackson will lie in repose over no fewer than 13 subterranean floors, each holding intriguing secrets, some could date as far back to the late 1800’s. As one cemetery insider told me, ”It’s sort of the opposite of the stairway to heaven.”When asked to confirm these areas a Forest Lawn spokesperson denied they exist.But my sources, including another ex-Forest Lawn maintenance man and a mutual acquaintance of both employees to whom they gave contemporaneous accounts over the years, give descriptions that are rich with detail. “There is a level where devil worshippers were once interred,” my guide tells me. “It’s complete with devil statues, pentagrams and an area where worshippers conducted weird services.”Continuing down there is another level said to be dedicated to some of Los Angeles’ original and very wealthy industrialists and their families. They rest down behind ancient hardcore steel gates off to each side of a long main corridor. These are the departed rich who wanted to spend eternity away from the prying eyes of common citizens. Families with names like Williamson and Wilkinson and Miller. According to my sources, the Miller family, of Miller beer, has ancestors interred in these underground spaces.
Another subterranean area, according to the guide, was set aside as the final spot for wealthy gypsy families, the figurines on their crypts otherworldly, and as recently as the 1960s, my sources say, their families would stage elaborate get-togethers to honor their dead relatives. Many doors remain padlocked deep within this labyrinth but when two workers opened one they discovered a room lined with shelves holding crematory urns for military men, police officers, nurses and city workers who were cremated gratis and held all these years because there were no families to claim them.Both men told me when their duties required them to be in these underground spaces they often felt the eerie presence of some of the forgotten occupants.“I’m not a supernatural, ghost-y kind of guy,” the guide told me as we continued our tour, “but more than once when I was down in those places I felt cold and clammy fingers brush against the back of my neck. I knew I was alone down there – but I wasn’t really alone, you know?” Sounds like a real life Thriller location -- and one whose history would likely delight Michael Jackson.

domenica 21 marzo 2010

Michael Jackson - Record's six vital pointers

HERE News of the World doctor Hilary Jones explains key parts of the ambulance report.

1) JACKSON is lying "supine" on the floor of his home in LA when the paramedics arrive. Dr Murray is conducting CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) on his patient. The paramedics intubate Jackson, reporting "good lung sounds". This is a simple check to make sure the tube has gone down the patient's windpipe and not into the stomach.
They record that an intravenous drip is already in place in the patient's left leg, put there by Murray.
It is unusual that it should be in his leg and not his arm. We can only speculate that Murray couldn't find a vein in his arm because of long-term drug abuse, or that he had been dead for some time and his veins had retreated into his body.
Capnography, or the build-up of carbon dioxide in the body, is recorded initially at 16 parts per unit, then 26 when he is transported. This shows he is not breathing and therefore not expelling the gasses and they are building up inside him.

2) JACKSON'S Vital Signs - blood pressure, pulse and respiration - are measured twice by the paramedics, at 1pm and eleven minutes later. The chart shows "zero" in each case, meaning he was technically dead.

3) THE record shows the results of an electrocardiogram measurement. He would have had electrodes placed on his chest, arms and legs to measure heartbeat.
Three doses of drugs are given intravenously: 1mg of epinephrine, an adrenalin-like drug used to try to stimulate the heart.
The result is "N" for negative. They then try atropine. This blocks the nerves, taking the body's brake off the heart to allow it to beat as much as it likes. Again, it is a negative result.
Finally they try sodium bicarbonate.
When there is no circulation, the blood becomes acidic as a by-product of the build-up of CO2. By introducing sodium bicarb you hope to return the blood to alkaline and help restart the heart.
It looks like they tried 50cc, about a cupful. Again the effect was recorded as negative. All these measurements have ASY next to them for asystole - no heartbeat. The treatments simply weren't working.

4) THE patient does not respond to two rounds of RX/TX (treatment) so the hospital advises stopping. But Murray assumes responsibility and asks for Jackson to be transferred to the ER. There is a third round of treatment en route. At this point, his blood CO2 level is 26 parts per unit so his body is continuing to build up CO2.

5) THE "time left scene" and "time at hospital" indicators show the journey to UCLA took just six minutes.

6) ANY time the body is moved or given a shock the electrocardiogram flutters. But we can clearly see from the charts that Jackson was flat-lining.

NEWS OF THE WORLD - 21/03/2010

WE reveal the dynamite documents prosecutors believe will put Michael Jackson's doctor behind bars.
They make up the official ambulance report that paramedics called to treat the stricken superstar filled out on the day he died.

The sensational evidence, published exclusively today by the News of the World, could be a hammer blow to the case of Dr Conrad Murray, charged with involuntary manslaughter over Jacko's death.
The bombshell Emergency Medical Service Report states:

Murray FAILED to inform paramedics that he had given the singer a dose of Propofol, the anaesthetic drug that coroners ruled killed the King Of Pop.
Jackson had already FLAT-LINED (no heart activity) by the time they arrived and after two rounds of heart revival drugs failed he was declared dead at the scene.
As senior medic there Murray nevertheless insisted Jacko be taken to hospital and DEMANDED a third round of drugs which also failed.
Insiders say the document also paves the way for Jackson's father Joe to launch a "wrongful death" lawsuit against Murray, who continues to practise in Houston, Texas.
A Jackson family friend told us last night: "This is the clearest suggestion yet that Murray misled the paramedics. Why didn't he tell them about the Propofol? We are sick at what this report indicates."
The report shows paramedics quizzed Murray about "meds" (medicines) after racing to a bedroom at Jackson's Hollywood Hills home at 12.27pm on June 25 last year.
Murray told them Jacko was exhausted after a sleepless night and he had given him only the sedative Lorazepam and fluids to rehydrate him.
This contradicts what Murray told police and the findings of the autopsy.
Detectives say the doctor also administered Valium, Midazolam, Flumanzenil and Propofol overnight. The coroner found Jackson's blood contained Lorazepam as well as other anxiety sedatives Lidocaine, Diazepam, Nordiazepam and Midazolam, plus Ephedrine which can be used for sleep disorders and Propofol. The medics left the Controlled Meds section of the form blank indicating that Murray, who was paid £100,000 a month by Jacko, had not informed them about the many substances he had pumped into him.
The explosive document also gives a detailed insight into the desperate battle ambulance staff put up to bring Jackson back to life. The medics rushed past the star's children Prince, 13, Paris, 11, and Blanket, seven, into a bedroom six minutes after bodyguard Alberto Alvarez called emergency services saying Jackson was not breathing. He had suffered a cardiac arrest.
The medics noted Murray performing CPR as Jacko lay on the floor with an intravenous (IV) drip in his left LEG. In the comments section, one wrote: "50-year-old found supine on floor, cpr in progress via PMD Murray, no visible new trauma, good lung sounds faltering, intubation, IV in place lft leg."
Their initial examination indicated Jackson was already dead.
In seconds they had hooked him to an oximeter which measures the oxygen level in blood. Normal readings range between 93 and 100 per cent. Jackson's was zero.
They noted in the Vitals section that at 12.29pm Jacko had no blood pressure, pulse or breath and his pupils were dilated. There was some "pulseless electric activity" meaning the heart muscle was still flickering even though the singer was dead.
After five minutes of CPR and discussions with Murray, medics attempted to restart Jacko's heart with a combination of heart stimulant epinephrine and a drug which keeps heart valves open called atropine. The drugs, 1mg of each, were given through the IV line Murray had put in the star's left leg.
The result of the injections are seen in the Initial Rhythm Chart part of the documents. It shows the fluids rocked the heart muscle but a few seconds later the shaking stopped.
The team also attached a bag valve mask (BVM) hooked up to a 7.5cm tube run down his throat into his lungs in a bid to kick-start his breathing, but it had no effect.
The report's Code Summary Figures show the bag briefly raised the carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in his body, from 20 to 26, but he was not breathing. Normal levels are 35 to 45.
The bag was discarded on the bed as we revealed last July when we published a photo of the death scene.
After four minutes the medics repeated the 1mg shots of epinephrine and atropine. The Rhythm Chart showed the heart muscle again shook but Jackson remained flat-lined.
American paramedics often adopt a "two rounds and you're out" approach meaning a patient is dead if he has not responded after a double dose of the powerful drugs.
In addition, most doctors view a carbon dioxide (C02) figure as low as 10 as the point beyond which there is no chance of recovery. Jacko's had now sunk to just six.


Last night Califiornia paramedic Kevin James told us: "The charts and readings indicate this is a dead man's heart. The fact his C02 levels were so low indicate Jackson had been down and out for a while, perhaps tens of minutes or even longer."
At 12.58pm the paramedics made a final desperate effort to bring Jacko back, firing 50mg of bicarbonate into the jugular vein in his neck. The injection neutralizes harmful acids after a cardiac arrest. After this got no reaction they contacted bosses at UCLA hospital with their results and were told to stop treatment.
But Murray interrupted the call, insisting Jackson could be saved, despite all the readings. Eight minutes after his last jab, Jackson was rushed on the three-mile journey to UCLA.
In the ambulance, Murray assumed control as the most senior medic. He ordered a THIRD round of the epinephrine/atropine combination and a second shot of bicarbonate.
But the charts confirmed Jackson remained flat-lined and all vital signs were out when he arrived at the hospital at 1.13pm. He was finally declared dead at 2.26pm.
It was a couple of hours later that the medics filed the bombshell emergency service report, attaching the graphics and charts of their efforts. It will be key evidence in both Murray's trial and any "wrongful death" lawsuit brought by Jackson's father.
Last night News of the World GP Dr Hilary Jones said: "If the report is correct, it is clear Jackson was dead before the paramedics arrived.
"He was flat-lining and there was no response to the resuscitation medicine. It's extraordinary that Dr Murray apparently didn't tell the paramedics exactly what drugs Jackson had been on hours earlier.
"It was his absolute duty to do so and the report suggests he failed.
"In my opinion Jackson died from respiratory depression - he was so deeply asleep he stopped breathing.
"And there was no justification for him using Propofol. It's just so bizarre that he should be using that to help him sleep.
"Dr Murray is nothing but a medically-qualified drug pusher."